There is a custom among the people of my country that they tie a piece of cloth to holy places, make a wish and hope their wishes are going to be true! Kish is a small island in the south part of Iran. In Kish there is an old tree which is the oldest one in the whole island.Therefor it is known as a holy tree for native people.It's full of colorful ribbons where every one bespeaks a unique story ....
Thanks for the all information that you have shared:) btw, enjoyed discussing with you! That's what I want, rather than just saying " WoW, Well Done, goob job ! " I think I get what U mean :)... RAsTi: Happy new year! best wishes:)....
Well, the difference they make is really simple, Abstracts make NEW concept and meaning, but Minimals reconstruct the same concept and meaning of the whole (I think the difference is really obvious!!!) From a philosophical point of view, every real photo is some how a Minimal art, because it is to reconstruct the universe as a whole object. but, about this shot, it's really hard to distinguish the style, and I think the concept you meant by taking this will help a lot. if you ask me, I think it's rather a Minimal work, because you wanted to show the same concept, but by a smaller composition, and this means enlarging or rotating the composition leave no effect on your concept, you still want to show a tree with a lot of ribbons tied to. but if you wanted to show a part of this object which seems to be some wishes come true (for example), then it will be an Abstract for sure, because it's a different meaning of this object. Maybe it's still strange the difference between Abstracts and Minimal Arts, but, don't worry, it's OK, because it's not that clear the distinction of these two for most philosophers. Anyway, if you get the idea, I think it will help a lot while deciding to take such these shots, as you can decide you want to regenerate a brand NEW concept using a detailed part of an object, or to reconstruct what is an object by means of as few as possible part of that Object, it's the proper way I think.
Hmmm , Let me think...I dont really get the difference ! new and reconstructed mean the same, isn't it ? BTW, I think by putting different titles, you can conclude different things! I just state some new meaning which I personaly get from the iamge, U let me know whatever else u do ! It can describes "dialogue among civilization" by putting different colour clothes close and all tight toghether! And I don't know why, some times it gave me the feeling of prison ! all these clothes are lucked up here and there is no way to scape .... so, U think which one it is ? abstract or minimal?
Well, Abstracts is a different look too a part of a whole as a new whole, it may change the meaning or view of the whole, and potentially its meaning will be different to the original object. The minimalism, is a way to use as few as it needs to reconstruct a whole using parts or patterns of a whole. Now, what do you think? is it a minimal art or an abstract? if it's an abstract so what's the new meaning in your imaginations? and if it's minimal work, how can I find the reconstructed meaning from this shot? Discuss it with me please
hey, thanks for being here once again ;) ok, I just wanna ask you to see an image a bit beyong what you just see ! actually I didnt want to share all these information here but I was just thinking that it should be interesting for people from other countries to know these things about some customs of iranian people! as you see, I choose this picture as an abstract and I think it's an enough reason for it to play with your imagination rather than capturing an obvious subject :) some times picture is just playing with colors! I dont dare to say that I did it perfect but that's it ... :)! Best Regards, Motahare
Here I am once again, I don't want to be pessimistic, but this shot is truly useless without its context, that means, without your note, it's really hard to find what this shot means. Sometimes we leave a note to explain our point of view, but I think it's not a good idea to take shots which completely depend on their context. plus I think you have to use better light control while shooting in such these situations. Regards, Mohammad Porooshani
Dear Jan, Thanks for criticising my pic;)I think you are right, about a tighter crop and less background ! I have attached another pic from this series, check it out and let me know which one u prefer ! I personaly prefer the first one if we see the pic as an abstract! however the attached one shows a better view ! Best, Motahare
This has wonderful splashes of color and your story about the custom makes it more interesting. I think a tighter crop with a little more detail of the cloth and a little less of the background on the left would have helped but i enjoy viewing the photo very much. --Regards, Jan