Hello John Thank you for your comment. I agree with you on the fact that it looks processed. I originally shot it on a white seamless but the white was covered in black scuff marks and it took a lot of processing in PS to bring up the levels over the black marks. The kid was never removed from the BG and what you are seeing is the original BG but with about 5 screen layers. I purposely shot the image to blurr out the kid a little as i was trying to sell the bucket of chicken but blown up to poster size i totally agree that it is a little uncomfortable to not focus oin the kid. The reason that the kid looks cut out is because of the gausian blurr applied to one of the layers to give it that "glamourous" look to him, and the blurr is leaking out to the BG. Thanks for the criticism. PS. im sorry about the bike shot. i dont like it much either
I like the composition of this shot: the way it is posed, the use of colours, and an effective model. But I think it looks too "processed". Was this intentional? It looks like it has been carefully removed from its background and the shadow added. I would also have liked it to have been sharp throughout (admittedly difficult, given the pose). So from a technical standpoint, I think it compares unfavourably to your photograph of the green sport bike farther back in your portfolio.