Alexander Dederer
{K:1511} 2/18/2007
Riccardo. I appiciate your work. Original photo is made by Digital Nikon D80 camera with mounted lensee from Medium Format camera Kiev-80 (lense is Biometar-80).
And as you can see these lense has a very nice bokhe and lovely tone gradients. Photo made with apperture 2.8 for lover sharp depth (only for eyes).
Yes, you version is more sharp and brightness but they also looks like most DIGITAL photos. The original has more tones and more accuracy sharp depth like a old film camera - and I love it!! (thanks Biometar-80).
Alexander Dederer
{K:1511} 2/18/2007
Thanks a lot, my friends!
Riccardo De Matteis
{K:1485} 2/18/2007
how about this one? added sharpening, contrast, brightness ciao riccardo
Leo Régnier Я£
{K:67696} 2/18/2007
Congratulations for the portrait and for your beautiful son!! Leo
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174145} 2/17/2007
You're welcome, Alexander!:)
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 2/17/2007
Beautiful son you have Alexader and this portrait is very fine in all aspects, excellent !!! Warm regards, Srna
Alexander Dederer
{K:1511} 2/17/2007
Thanks for you response, Shirley!
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174145} 2/17/2007
Your son is beautiful...a lovely portrait, Alexander!:)