fokstrot .
{K:6560} 3/2/2007
Fantastic trees!
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 2/9/2007
Fantastic light on the branches here !! Peter
Jason v.d.Meer
{K:2019} 2/8/2007
wonderful toning JD.....nice work.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 2/7/2007
Well, I don't know if this is supposed to be humorous, but it looks like the one tree is kicking the other one away!...made me laugh! Other than that, it is very beautiful light!:)
{K:70138} 2/7/2007
Super lighting, Txules.... the light in this picture is what makes it special !!!
Congrats, Avi
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 2/7/2007
an unusual warm light really good!
David Rodriguez
{K:11965} 2/7/2007
Muy muy buena trabajo, realmente me gusta esta foto. La composicion y los colores estan excelentes. Muy buena la presentacion. Saludos.
Nelson Moore [Kes] -
{K:20241} 2/7/2007
Super tones, Txules. The tree branches reaching out seem to try to explain the vastness of the view.