Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen
{K:55244} 2/5/2007
Yes, I did think that too. THanks for noticing! Maybe Iīll try to take it another time without flash and see if it still looks fresh and addictive:-) Best wishes Annemette
Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen
{K:55244} 2/5/2007
Or maybe a cokemafia? A pepsisyndicate? I think would start growing coca leaves in my garden and make my own homebrewed coke for the inside circle of friends and family to enjoy:-) Addicted to oil? That can only be sunscreenoil in the heat you and Marlyce are experiencing;-) Best wishes from the viking cokelass
Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen
{K:55244} 2/5/2007
Oh no - youīre hooked for sure just as I am:-)
Maryam Ashoori
{K:2186} 2/5/2007
love this shot, just I wish your flash was off :)
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 2/5/2007
I'm a Diet Pepsi man myself! Coke just wouldn't do! I had to laugh because when I saw the thumbnail and title . . . and even after I clicked it . . . the title made my mind think this was a drop of oil! Addiction, huh?
Oh . . . imagine soft drinks being illegal . . . and the scenes that would likely appear. I can see that here in LA! Some man with his trunk open and a baseball hat on sideways . . . "Psssst . . . Ma MAN! Check this out. Ya' wanna 2-Liter? Cheap man . . . and cut with almost NO water! Swear DUDE . . . It's 99% PURE STUFF! Make Ya feel REAL good too!" LoL!
Regards, Doyle I<~~~~~
Patrick Crowther
{K:13393} 2/5/2007
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous.... I've drunk around 5 cans of Diet Coke everyday for 20 years. I think I have a prahblem...
Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen
{K:55244} 2/4/2007
Oh maybe you think of Christmas when you see the red bottle? *LOL* Maybe we can rethink a new design that would make people think yak!
Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen
{K:55244} 2/4/2007
THank you very much, Leonie! Another alien on the planet who doesnīt like coke!*LOL* My father disliked it as well probably because it was a "capitalistdrink" hehe. Best wishes Annemette
Konstantin Yudintsev
{K:3253} 2/4/2007
its red can design that used to keep me hooked
Leonie Fitzpatrick
{K:40551} 2/4/2007
Very clever Annemette... Thought provoking... and we would never discover the answer because of the big dollars involved...
Would you believe I don't like or drink coke...LOL Never have, I always thought it tasted like ...ehrm... crap... LOL... Daughter-coke, son - diet coke, husband - diet pepsi...
Well presented Enigma...:)