Rob Burgoyne
{K:-1207} 2/2/2007
Sorry to hear that Bill . Hopefully everything will be ok .
Bill Telzerow
{K:4993} 2/2/2007
Thanx Rob... Hopefully we will have the opportunity to see how tenacious she can be... She's very sick right now...and it's day to day.
Rob Burgoyne
{K:-1207} 2/1/2007
Very cute Bill . "Chewed a hole through the kitchen wall to get into another room ?" Holy smokes !! And I thought I had it bad with Ginger :) Wow !
Bill Telzerow
{K:4993} 1/30/2007
Who me? New model I don't have to pay...LOL!
Bill Telzerow
{K:4993} 1/30/2007
Thanx Kareem... Cheers, Bill
Bill Telzerow
{K:4993} 1/30/2007
Hi Jan: Thanks for the insight into the Cairn. First one we've had. What a sweetheart! Our 70 pound Golden Retriever has taken over as surrogate Mom, since the Breeder weaned Cassie too early... They play together...what a sight. Have a great day...
Bill Telzerow
{K:4993} 1/30/2007
Hi Sylvia... Thanx... Yes, she stole our hearts too.
Larry Fosse
{K:66493} 1/29/2007
Intensely cute Bill....I know you're enjoying
Kareem Afifi
{K:5968} 1/29/2007
yeah very cute
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 1/29/2007
Bill - Wishing you many years of love and enjoyment with Cassie. She is a beauty and I love the pose. years ago we had a Cairn named Boomer and despite her small stature was an imposing little dog with more energy and personality then you could believe would be packed into a small package. We did discover the burrowing trait in her to be very strong and one day she actually chewed a hole through the kitchen wall to get into another room. They are a very dtermined breed and can make wonderful pets if raised with a firm hand early. --Best to you, Jan
Sylvia Marriott
{K:12812} 1/29/2007
Hi Bill, What a little cutie!! Sylvia
Bill Telzerow
{K:4993} 1/29/2007
Thank you Marlyce; your thoughts and wishes are appreciated... Her name is "Cassie" after Cassandra.
Bill Telzerow
{K:4993} 1/29/2007
Thank you Marlyce; your thoughts and wishes are appreciated... Her name is "Cassie" after Cassandra.
Marlyce Chastain
{K:4071} 1/29/2007
very cute.....may you have many enjoyable years with your little bundle and may we all see more pics as the litte one grows up. Nice clearity----can almost feel the texture of the corse hair that is so evident in the Cairn....and our name is????? Toto maybe?