{K:13273} 7/15/2009
Wow, a superb profile and really good nice portrait. BW tones are great. I impressed. 7 Aylin
Mohammed Iskhakov
{K:1855} 7/9/2007
No comments, beutiful photo
mimoza veliu
{K:481} 6/28/2007
wow,stunning portrait
Mustafa Kemikcioglu
{K:186} 5/2/2007
perfect portrait, very well done
khalid al-saigh
{K:5491} 2/2/2007
great portrait my friend
love a postion here and a light effect
thanks for sharing this shot
regards khalid
Do not miss my portfolio
Gennaro Manna
{K:21301} 1/26/2007
Ann, congrats fot the awards...
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 1/26/2007
This is a wonderful portrait Ann, this will be cherished for years to come.
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 1/25/2007
A look back and . . . BINGO!! Award! Congrats . . . it's VERY worthy!
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
Ms. Mel Brackstone
{K:5285} 1/25/2007
Big congrats Ann, this is a very worthy winner.....I'm sure we still have a few more places to see this getting the gong :)
Larry Fosse
{K:66493} 1/24/2007
Super portrait with excellent light & detail
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 1/24/2007
Very impressive Ann . . . awesome use of light to capture the dignified look of wisdom that usually accompanies age . . . a perfect addition to the project (IMO). 7/7
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
Billy Bloggs
{K:51043} 1/24/2007
You've done this digger proud. He looks like he's settled in his old age, it's given him a wise, serene and gentle expression. I much prefer available light portraits and you've used what you've got to good effect and the subtle toning suits the subject. Regards, Gary
Joggie van Staden
{K:41700} 1/24/2007
Great profile shot with lovely contrast and sharpness. Really great Ann! Joggie
Indranil Das
{K:1200} 1/24/2007
Beautiful potrait Ann.Superb tone and details.Nice profile.Well done.
Gennaro Manna
{K:21301} 1/24/2007
Great portrait! Very nice capture! excellent tones and light.. best regards. Gennaro
Ms. Mel Brackstone
{K:5285} 1/24/2007
Excellent tones, Ann, and wonderful shadows and light. Well captured!
Alain Mijngheer
{K:11733} 1/24/2007
Well your father in law is a very photogenic person and you a very good photographer in order to freeze that moment! 7 Good job & grtz,
Jason v.d.Meer
{K:2019} 1/24/2007
wow....great portrait Ann..you have exposed the shadows very well. This is one for your family to cherish in the years to come.