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Heaven is green . . .
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Image Title:  Heaven is green . . .
Favorites: 0 
 By: Joggie van Staden  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Joggie van Staden  Joggie van Staden {Karma:41700}
Project #56 Wildlife and Insects Camera Model Nikon D70
Categories Macro
Film Format Digital RAW
Portfolio Invertebrates
The natural world
Lens Nikon  105mm f/2.8D AF Micro
Uploaded 12/27/2006 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 1024 Shutter 1/125
Favorites Aperture f/5.6
Critiques 23 Rating
/ 7 Ratings
Location City -  Johannesburg
State -  GAUTENG
Country - South Africa   South Africa
About Two Acraeas mating in a green heaven!

One of the last images I took with my D70.
Slightly cropped, minimal adjustments of brightness and contrast.
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There are 23 Comments in 1 Pages
Eb Mueller Eb Mueller   {K:24960} 1/10/2007
The light does not get better than this, Joggie!
Heavenly, indeed!!! Perhaps, as other viewers suggested, the left side of the frame is superfluous and holds distracting elements? I suggest that the composition, as a whole, holds very well and that the left and top contribute to the framing of the subject. Consequently, I would not crop or minimize these parts.


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 1/9/2007
Lovely colors & polka dots, like a watercolor illustration from a children's book - they should have names :)


Marcus Armani Marcus Armani   {K:36599} 1/8/2007
beautiful macro, the two togeather look wonderful, love the upsidedown view and the colors and detail are fantastic.


Mary Slade   {K:40338} 1/6/2007
Amazing image of such a moment Joggie! The clarity and colours- wonderful to see their patterns.


Dino Lupani Dino Lupani   {K:15142} 1/6/2007
Powerful composition, excellent macro capture my friend!!!


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 1/4/2007
Wow . . . what a bokeh here! VERY nice! It's not often bug porn looks so pleasant!! LoL! So these are Acraeas, huh? My first thought was a butterfly and now I find myself even more intrigued by the larger, thin, transluscent inner wings. Very nice Joggie . . . as always!

Doyle I <~~~~~


Roberto Okamura   {K:22851} 1/1/2007
Beautiful momment Joggie!
Excellent macro as usual!
Have a happy 2007 for you and your family!


Shirley D. Cross-Taylor Shirley D. Cross-Taylor   {K:174151} 12/30/2006
Such a beautiful capture, Joggie!:)


Ann  Van Breemen   {K:13399} 12/30/2006
Another great macro, Joggie. I like the composition and the soft green background. Well done, again. Happy New Year. Cheers, Ann.


Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 12/29/2006
absolutely wonderful dear Joggie!!!! excellent composition!!! fine colors!!!!!! very well done
Season's best


vanessa shakesheff vanessa shakesheff   {K:68840} 12/29/2006
Great capture..lovely detail..colour and dof ..have a great newyear ..nessa


Violetta  Tarnowska   {K:24497} 12/29/2006
Very pleasant image.... Nice scene, beautiful pastel colours and cool title:)
Happy New Year, Dear Joggie:)


Jani Salvataggio   {K:27283} 12/29/2006
Wonderful Macro!!! Very good composition and fantastic colours!!!
Great work!!!



Gennaro  Manna   {K:21301} 12/29/2006
grande colpo...complimenti


Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 12/28/2006
Very nice macro of these two, Joggie! Looks like they didn't even notice you! I like the way the whole image is composed in front of the green background. Heaven indeed!


Peter De Rycke Peter De Rycke   {K:41212} 12/28/2006
Excellent capture with gorgeous colours Joggie.


Paolo Corradini Paolo Corradini   {K:59552} 12/28/2006
beautiful couple unusual to view excellent colors


Dave Arnold Dave Arnold   {K:55680} 12/28/2006
Double the pleasure, double the fun, Joggie. Amazing capture, Heck, I can't find a single butterfly and you catch them copulating.

What happened to your D70? Hope it was nothing bad, like it broke.

Best wishes,


Petal Wijnen Petal Wijnen   {K:50989} 12/27/2006
Wonderful (com)position... (sorry, couldn't pass that one... ;-DD)!! Fantastic colors, details and DOF... well spotted and captured!! Might crop just a little bit more from the top and maybe the left (so that you lose the dark leave, which is a bit distracting)..... so in fact make it a square pic... ;-D


Don Loseke Don Loseke   {K:32503} 12/27/2006
This is a beautiful capture. Two for one. It sure does have a wonderful background. Don.


Byron Dudley   {K:257} 12/27/2006
Nice shot! Although you might try having all the leaves completely out of focus or sharp. Right now the background leaves to the left are out of focus, but the leaf the butterflies are on are not as sharp but not out of focus either so it takes away from the subject. Also possibly cropping the bottom and left of your shot, yet keeping your subject off center like you have would help. This would direct the viewers attention even more so to your subject. The dark blurry leaf to the left of your subject distracts the most from your shot, eliminating it in cs or in your initial composition by changing the angle would make it even better. Hope thats not to critical, it's still a nice shot ;)


Larry Fosse Larry Fosse   {K:66493} 12/27/2006
Excellent wildlife capture Joggie...nice color & crop


Riny Koopman Riny Koopman   {K:102911} 12/27/2006
Nothing to be said about this incredible macro shot other than WOW!!!! :)




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