City - Melbourne State - VICTORIA Country - Australia
When it is called zero moment, the frist impression for many of us will be thinking of DEADLINES,DUE DATES and like those. But there are times and all of us looking for that zero moment to come and we eagerly counting down for it. Like a birthday, a party, a picnic arrangment, succer match,wedding party (in particulare for kids that love to be in ceremonies) and a lot more.
This time,it is the best pleasing moment for me to see a zero moment like this at USEFILM when i'd b able to upload a new photo. that's the best! :D
This is just a sample idea of how human feeling can be dependent on zero moments,whether optimistically or pessimistically,with a good hope and thinking or vice versa...
Hope you will be the optimistic zero moment lover. Even that your zero moment is a deadline for an assignment,project or whatever!
Thanks for taking your time to have a look at this shot!
my dear bro,Kareem. Im proud of being in touch with UF members,in the way that they react with me,and share their ideas,and recongnition of this fact that there are people like you who do respect to read my ABOUTs makes me feel warm and relax. Thanks for taking your time to read my ABOUT ,word by word. I appreciate that bro. I will be glad to hear about you. Don't hesitate to write too much,I have strong eyes to read all through ^_^...
Take care of your zero moments, which each single of that can be a golden luck to us.... All the bests,
:) u know what .. i really enjoied my time being in that page uderstanding the idea of ur words and have time to understand others point of view and now more about how people thinking ,, i can feel the flow of emotions through ur words and caught what every piece of letter wanna say , may be because this was a zero moment of truth between u and ur self .. am i right ! although u made me read about 850 word but i liked my luck that brought me here to see that photo every single second can be zero moment to another and it all depends ... thx for sharing ur point of view and thx for usefilm for connecting people like that and give them time trying to give - no matter what to give - and share what they have >>> sorry for righting too much but i am in a zero moment .. maybe happy new year to allllllllllllllllllllllllll
Thanks a lot bro, Im happy now,very happy. You have shared a lot of good comments.Furthermore,you are interested to be my friend, that's my pleasure. Making friendship with people of different or the same vision than or as mine,gives me a very dynamic and ongoing feeling.
You think, you take photographs and this is you! with a special point of view in photography, great ideas and good abilities in photography, it makes you a Great photographer. And i am here! i see your shots, every single one has it's special subject, tones, colors, composition and feelings. I like your portofolio. I'll be happy to email you if you let me to be friends. oh i forgot to say I am a Bear! you wanna see why?
Yes,that's it. Zero moments means , LET'S GOOOOOOOOOO! and do the job.
Thanks Srna. Im just experiencing a preiod of time with some different emotions which im aware of them. and that's really funny to my eyes. Because you know, when you can see yourself, from the top. that's quite different from the time you are trapped. Im conscious about my sad and happy thoughts. Just like to do my best and make them visible as much as i can. Isn't it nice to be able to illustrate your thought.I know your answer is a YES with a big SMILE ^_^. Yes,that's the philosophy behind my shot. thanks for your very delightful care about me,reminding me of that i should not think too much, yes, that's the only thing i better do something about it. My mother always tells me,like you. But, im ok ^_^. however,sometimes thinking too much is really annoying,as you know. I have to work on it to decide,when I need to think a lot,and when don't.That's the best idea.
Fantastic response. It's also zero moment for me to be in touch with people of your vision. Im wondered with your very open way of thinking.
To be able to recognize the zero moments. Wow that's the best it could be. I got this valuable point that that every single moment of our life and time can be a constructive zero moment to promote ourself. Thanks for pointing out this invaluable thought.