el o
{K:89} 2/23/2004
Nice perspective.I like it.
Shyamal Addanki
{K:1009} 4/28/2003
thanks so much everyone...I am still very new to photography and it is a great encouragement to read your comments. As for the DOF, admitidly it would have been betted had the NIKON word been sharper, but this was not really much of a planned, posed shot. It was just a candid shot that I took while we were shooting a fly-in of aircraft for an airshow (hence the fast looking reflection)
Diana Tavares
{K:561} 4/26/2003
Great shot!!!
Alberto Agnoletti
{K:12811} 4/26/2003
Nice portrait!
Matej Maceas
{K:24381} 4/26/2003
I find this image very good.
Admittedly the hand does look somewhat unnatural, but I didn't really notice it until I read Paul's comment. Although this could imply that I viewed the image superficially at first, I rather think it was because the composition and focus drew my eye straight to Andrew's face, making the hand unimportant and unobtrusive.
Splendid work!
Diamantino Mendes
{K:12959} 4/26/2003
Great work, excellent perspective.
Paul Watson
{K:463} 4/26/2003
Damn, you are going to poke someone's eye out with that thing :-D
Good shot IMO. Composition is strong, well placed subject. Good lighting showing quite a bit of fine detail. Clever use of perspective to really accentuate the lens (though his hand is just plain weird like that.) I would have preferred more DOF, at least enough to get the body of the Nikon in focus (the Nikon label is blurred.) The reflected image in the lens, while blurred of course, is interesting, looks like something fast moving.
Good photo.