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Simple vision....
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Image Title:  Simple vision....
Favorites: 1 
 By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Gayle's Eclectic Photos  Gayle's Eclectic Photos {Karma:91109}
Project #41 Perspective Camera Model Nikon F60 / N60
Categories Landscape
Film Format Film 35mm
Portfolio B/W images
Rural images
Lens 100-300mm
Uploaded 12/12/2006 Film / Memory Type moved and will have to find film info
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 1393 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 28 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  rural country road
State -  WA
Country - UF Old Timers   UF Old Timers
About As i saw it...framed in-camera...converted to B/W

comments/critiques appreciated
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Gayle's Eclectic


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There are 28 Comments in 1 Pages
Mohamed Sharara Mohamed Sharara   {K:420} 11/21/2010
Nice shot ...



Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 11/1/2007
Hi Gayle,
Your title says it all. The thing is, most of us are guilty of not doing enough images like this. There is not a lot of fanfare, complexity or flashiness in the image, just a well composed, elegant, simple vision.
Good job!


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 7/30/2007
hope you are wel, my dear..
happy week to you


Pietro Clarizia Pietro Clarizia   {K:8241} 4/11/2007
great compo and tones!
well done!



Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 2/10/2007
Lovely perspective, my dear. the background and the foreground are well separated and are perfectly placed together in the image.

best wishes, Thilo


Grzegorz Markowski Grzegorz Markowski   {K:6537} 1/25/2007
interesting :)


pan g. pan g.   {K:16899} 1/25/2007
Beautifull work, really great!


Ash     {K:9427} 1/19/2007
I find that htere is a lot of character in cattails. The black and white format really hilihgts the character. Well done.


Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 1/18/2007
LMAO!!!,cookie,guess the filters don't know OZ slang or else i would be out the door!...i had to google for them,of course...hehehe...i have not a clue as to why or what was flagged with your comment,unless your guess is correct...i will have to use that word to see if that forum thread did indeed remove it from our photog-speak....too freaky!


Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 1/18/2007
Heehee, forgot to tell you there was an attachment to the last comment...


Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 1/18/2007
I give up. I'm in stitches. I've tried about three times now to leave a comment, and get hit by the filter. I don't for sure what it is I'm saying anymore!!!!!!



Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 1/18/2007
can't stop myself,cookie!...did it have anything to do with the "map of Tasmania" or a "loose meat sandwich"?......laughing too ...giggle giggle
o o


Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 1/18/2007
Yo,cookie! hmmmm?....too funny that the "flag went up" and "snatched" your feline word!...ROFLMAO...perhaps it is hiding in the "bush"?....hehehe...was it what the street lingo calls "your money maker"?...meow ;>


Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 1/17/2007
Bahhahahahahahhhh.... I think I used a naughty word in my comment. It's been held up for mods at the mo. Hopefully they'll let it go through. If it's for what I think it's for, it's absolutely hysterical!!!


Aykaan K Aykaan K   {K:13601} 1/4/2007
composition et lumière sont bien maitrisées...
belle image...


Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 12/21/2006
Rog,ok,forgot about that holiday self-pic from when i first came here...thanks!...i should update that at some pt.


Roger Skinner Roger Skinner   {K:81846} 12/20/2006
the portrait of u on UF


Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 12/20/2006
Rog, say what?......where???


Roger Skinner Roger Skinner   {K:81846} 12/20/2006
nice pic of u on the site


Kamran Bakhtiari Kamran Bakhtiari   {K:24048} 12/15/2006
great BW zen shots,take care dear GG and peace,


AJ Miller AJ Miller   {K:49168} 12/13/2006
Cat tails? I think these are bull rushes on this side of the river! But if we stick with your terminology, that one in the middle sure looks like a street cat that's seen a scrap or two... Original composition.



Clifton Jones Clifton Jones   {K:10688} 12/13/2006
AHH.....simplicity.....well captured....great DOF....superb work my friend....nice to hear from you lovely lady......Best Wishes for the Holiday Season.....


Marcus Armani Marcus Armani   {K:36599} 12/12/2006
yes simple but beautiful, I love the feel i get from this, like im lying down looking up at the cats tails and day dreaming, you really have an eye for composition and it shows in every shot.....


Rashed Abdulla Rashed Abdulla   {K:163889} 12/12/2006
Simple yet very appealing image with very impressive DOF and composition and so pleasant to view

Wishing you all of the best my friend


Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 12/12/2006
Thanks,brat!...whoa! 33yr old cattails...may be a record .......we Natives use them as torches


Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 12/12/2006
Thanks,Kes,nice to hear from you again!...since i have lab transfer my shots to CD,i usually write on case what film was used,but was too lazy to sort thru all of them...LOL...
Yes, these cattails do seem to be approaching!


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 12/12/2006
I've always enjoyed how cat-tails just sort of ...disintegrate. Like this one.

Unless you cut them early and bring them inside.
I have some cat-tails in my livingroom that I cut and gave to my mother (carry the one)
33 years ago.



Nelson Moore [Kes] -  Nelson Moore [Kes] -     {K:20241} 12/12/2006
Hi Ms. Gayle! Last time that moving experience happened to me a lot of negatives & film didn't make it. Hope that doesn't happen to you!

This is an interesting full-frame perspective of cattails. They seem to have an alien presence, or something like that. Getting ready to attack, perhaps! A fine B&W print.

My kids think these are pretty cool when they twist them in their hands causing a big burst of seeds!





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