zosia zija
{K:11106} 4/27/2003
crazy ;)
lowell whipple girbes
{K:13151} 4/26/2003
excellent !!!
tarjei ekenes krogh
{K:776} 4/26/2003
very nice work. surrealistic .i love it :-D ! son tarjeiav !
Marcin Gorski
{K:12388} 4/26/2003
risky...framing :)
Filipe Palha
{K:5432} 4/25/2003
strange how i don?t recognize this type of colors as onw of your photos. Then i click the thumbnail to see it bigger and... AH!! Oh yes!! Toini indeed!! ( ( :
Anders Jørgensen
{K:936} 4/25/2003
great ligth and colors, like that i can see whole the way down..
Rui Palha
{K:13624} 4/25/2003
I like this, Toini...a lot.
Roland Le Gall
{K:7018} 4/25/2003
Marvellous picture...and beautiful stairs...and very nice girl, she dared it for you....:-) 7 everywhere...
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 4/25/2003
Excellent shot Toini,wonderful warm colors
edmond lisy
{K:10311} 4/25/2003
Crazy idea......but very interesting !!
Nita M
{K:4986} 4/25/2003
Original work and good colored composition.
{K:16195} 4/25/2003
Great composed.
Mark Beltran
{K:32612} 4/25/2003
There is a lot of tension in this photograph, both compositionally and in the situation. It's quite original. She looks as if she's floating or in the process of falling. The colors, though alright, is too loud for my preference. In fact, I'd suggest converting it into black & white.
ana ribeiro
{K:21290} 4/25/2003
hello Toini!!!! what a frightening scene..! and the other one is fine!
Dirck DuFlon
{K:35779} 4/25/2003
Strange and interesting photo! I really like the lines and colors of the staircase and the tiles on the landings, but the incongruously placed girl really adds an unexpected twist! I'm not sure if I like the slight angle that makes the top landing be out of square... but then again the corners of the walls lead perfectly to the corners of the frames the way it is. This is really intrigueing!
Toini Blom
{K:2039} 4/25/2003
and here's another one;)

lisa .
{K:9370} 4/25/2003
OMG...............crazy girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heheheheheh..how much u pay her??
Giuseppe Di Pierro
{K:5911} 4/25/2003
molto interessante