GP Merfeld
{K:14396} 5/14/2003
Fantastic choice of images, beautifully composed, for this very effective piece. I love the tones and softness in each image. Terrific evocation of mood and atmosphere. I do agree with Siddharth (and you) about the framing. I think the outer edge all the way around is great - perfect amount of softness, yet hard enough to delineate. I would love to see the same edge treatment used on the inner cross, seperating each image... Outstanding work, Jocelyne.
Jocelyne A
{K:1974} 4/27/2003
i have to agree with you Siddharth. I did overdo the blurring on the frame... Especially on the top and upper right sides. Thanks for being honest. )
Jocelyne A
{K:1974} 4/25/2003
wow. i must be tired. LOL i meant coolpix 2000... Don't ask where the 5 came from!
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 4/25/2003
Jocelyne,this is a lovely shot,i love 4-6 piece pics like this,your photo has a lovely tone,its so beautiful,Im looking forward to your next releases
Siddharth Siva
{K:3327} 4/25/2003
very nice! but the border effects and the edge blurring is overdone..the images are strong enough without too much of PS effects,blurring etc..
Jocelyne A
{K:1974} 4/25/2003
David...Took me several shots to get the angles I wanted, considering 1.I was lying down 2.I had to hold the camera with my other hand 3.My eyes were closed... I used a Nikon Coolpix 2500 (a good point and shoot, hehe) and altered it on photoshop.
I'm glad you liked it! Welcome to usefilm )
Hayri... Thank you.
{K:16195} 4/25/2003
Perfect presentation.Congrats!
David Hall
{K:66} 4/25/2003
Very very good, love it infact. Highly original - how did you do it ? A few comments on that would be nice. But yes, lovely composition, the mixed angles work. I use a Lomography 4 lens camera, very cheap and basic, which brings out similar shots. But I suspect that this has been done using a good camera and Photoshop yes ?