Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 1/24/2007
Hello Lily! You have such a beautiful name.:)
Thank you for your kind comment.
Yes, I own a dedicated fill flash and other big hammer head flashes etc. I use antique equipment with REAL film (lol) for my own pleasure and prefer the results of analogue.
I do use fill flash when absoulutely necessary (like to fill the shadows in a bride's face at noon in blazing sunlight... eeeeks....as she is getting out of the bridal car etc); however, I avoud using flash as much as possible. If I am to have any extra light to soften or "fill" shadows, I prefer to a use relector in white, silver or gold to bounce some natural light back into my subjects face (n the case of portraits).
This shot was made without any fill. It was an artistic choice. And then adding the black vignette, I just liked it this way. :)
Please never apologize for passing on information, regardless of whether I know it or not. We are all here to share knowledge and help one another as friends! I value your comments greatly.
I am very busy currently but will visit you soon!
Warmest Wishes and again many thanks, Aniko :)
Tiger Lily
{K:10966} 1/22/2007
Very artistic. I heard it helps to use fill flash to avoid shadows on face when shooting in daylight (yes, sunny conditions too). I don't own one of those flashes but thought I'd pass the info along to you. Sorry if I've repeated something you already know.
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 12/2/2006
Thank you Alex.
I rarely do centre my portraits... if you look at others you will see this to be true.
I chose this "crop" very deliberately. I never follow any rules :)
Your kind comments are graciously received.
Warmest Wishes my friend, Aniko :)
Alex Munteanu
{K:1337} 12/1/2006
Very nice portrait. Have you tried not centering the subject? You could experience a totally new look on your pictures, even with a black or white background, or any other vigneta. Remember the golden number division of the photo! Ciao!
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 11/26/2006
Thank you so much Dear Viola!
Yes, she does seem to be in a very romantic frame of mind. Whatever she was thinking or feeling, I am so pleased to have captured this sweet expression!
Warm Hugs to you, Aniko :)
Violetta Tarnowska
{K:24497} 11/26/2006
Aniko..... Beautiful.................... There is so many romanticism in this glance...... Warm hugs:) Viola
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 11/26/2006
How beautifully poetic Dear Claude!
Thank you my friend.
Warmest Wishes to you, Aniko :)
Claude Tenot
{K:9960} 11/26/2006
For love...and for my dream of tonight.... kisses
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 11/26/2006
You're welcome, dear Aniko!:)
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 11/26/2006
Thank you Dear Michele!
I don't really "know" this young lady, or details of her love life... lol... The title was partly inspired by her dreamy look, but also in honour of her mother who gave her daughter the photographic session as a 21st Birthday gift... it was for the sake of love... :)
Thank you again Dear Michelle and best wishes to you, Aniko:)
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 11/26/2006
Onie, my friend...
You have such a lovely way of expressing your thoughts and feelings about images. I am honoured by your taking the time to visit and comment!
Thank you so much...
Hugs~ Ani :)
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 11/26/2006
Thank you so much Dear Shirley!
Ican't get away from the romantic... I do attempt to... lol... :)
Warm Hugs~ Aniko :)
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 11/25/2006
Very nicely done portrait Aniko ! The light and expression are both excellent . Such a pretty model , the title suits this as well. She must be in love or have many in love with her too !
Best Wishes dear Aniko, Michele~
Leonie Fitzpatrick
{K:40551} 11/25/2006
Ani... She has such a far away look in her eyes, way out beyond her physical surroundings... :)
Love the way the flowers/leaves are breaking the *surface tension*, so to speak, of the hair...
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 11/25/2006
Love the vignetting...a very romantic image, dear Aniko!:)
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 11/25/2006
Warm Thanks Pablo!
Best Wishes, Aniko :)
Pablo Dylan
{K:63918} 11/25/2006
Very nice portrait,beautyful model.
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 11/25/2006
Many thanks Galal!
You are very kind.
Best Wishes, Aniko :)
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 11/25/2006
Great portrait Aniko , nice deal with lighting , well taken .
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 11/25/2006
Thank you so much Dear Ali.
This photograph is one from a series I shot. I was commissioned to photograph her as a 21st birthday gift to this young lady. (Her mother hired me for the job.) Yes, she was pleased with the portraits, I am happy to say :)
Warmest Wishes to you my friend, Aniko :)
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 11/25/2006
Very great job been made here and this is a wonderful portrait , I think this lady must be very happy of her image been captured in this so pleasant form
Wishing you all of the best my friend
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 11/25/2006
Thank you Zannoni!
Best Regards, Aniko :)
Zannoni Matteo
{K:12211} 11/25/2006
davvero un bel ritratto, complimenti,
ciao matteo