Alessandro Capelli
{K:34805} 11/12/2006
Wonderful shot Rob! Great landscape, amazing colors! All the best, Ale
So Cal Photograhper
{K:18529} 11/12/2006
My first thought was that I have never seen this angle of half dome - that I can remember.
My second thought was that the shawdow being cast from half dome looks like that of a giant eagle if you take a look at the whole shaded area. Then before I wrote this I look down to see if anyone else had made that observation - and yes, your mom did. I was shocked that someone else actually noticed it. I guess it's true - great minds do think alike!
Jason Mckeown
{K:22200} 11/11/2006
Another Great Landscapes Rob well captured
Jan Graziano
{K:17920} 11/11/2006
Do like the colors and the light which gives a powerful contrast between the evergreens in the foreground and the rest of the shot. Did you notice that the shadow cast by Half Dome along with the top part of Half Dome looks like an bird (eagle?) soaring? I did!
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 11/11/2006
I like the bright levels in the shade of half-dome, which are completed by the silhouetted trees in foreground, Rob. I like the format and the crop is nicely balanced.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174136} 11/11/2006
Nice, Rob. Looks like midday light, though, which is not the best.
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 11/11/2006
Wonderful natural view , very well taken Rob .
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 11/11/2006
Very amazing Landscape capture and very powerful DOF and composition, this is a very well exposed image
Wishing you all of the best my friend