City - Overland Park State - KANSAS Country - United States
This may drive purists up the wall. Apologies beforehand.
I've recently learned about the language processing, where you can write your own visual scripts. Fairly cool stuff. This is a "filter" that basically takes an image and creates a "Chuck Close" version of it using circles and squares.
Nothing cooler than writing your own software to manipulate an image. Kind of like artistic hacking.
I have scripted this to take each pixel and expand it by a radius. So 750 pixels X radius of 10 pixels = 15,000 pixels wide.
Imagine running it against one of your native flower shots. I can hook you up with the script and you can download processing for free. It'll take a lot of RAM, but imaging printing your flower the size of a wall for a museum showing. Let me know if you want to collaborate on this. I am already thinking of adding fire or smoke filters selectively to hues in a photo.
I just saw the Chuck Close show at the SF, and that's the first thing that popped in my mind when this image opened!
very cool! This would be amazing printed *huge*! Have you see this:
all of us at work went nuts with it, and a few people have their entire wall as one HUGE print. You'll see what I mean when you look at the examples. Your new images made me think you just might like this.. if you've not see it yet. I have on on my wall right now that I did in color of "Doctor Who"... life size.