Thank you so much for your feedback, i really appriciate it. in terms of composition, i truely i didnt have much options, in this kind of shots there is no room for making artistic decissions. the place is very crowded, the heat is unbelivable, and i have very limited chances of getting good shots. The reason why i Zoomed into my subject is because i didnt want to include any parts of the stage, the ppl or the other wheals. this is the original shot, no cropping, sharpening or any PS work applied other than framing. Thanks again, Z.S
Overall looks good. Good colors - nicely saturated. Shaprness looks good. Composition could be improved, having abit more space behind your subject might help. Also perhaps zooming out abit and placing her on the lower third as well?
Great rich colour and well frozen motion. The only thing that I think would help the composition would be to make sure that her back leg is all the way in the frame. Here, her ankle feels amputated. Great action shot, though.