marco ds
{K:6335} 12/25/2006
Than you very much, Peter, and Best Wishes to you!!! Ciao, Marco
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 12/24/2006
What a fantastic landscape, thx for sharing ! Peter
Gianes Ma
{K:26069} 11/6/2006
Un altro bellissimo e affascinante panorama della serie, complimenti Marco!
a. gianfranco baccelli
{K:21379} 11/4/2006
Molto suggestiva, anche col taglio verticale.
marco ds
{K:6335} 11/4/2006
Ti ringrazio molto Luisa! Ciao
marco ds
{K:6335} 11/4/2006
Grazie Pablo! In questi ultimi tempi ho avuto poco tempo per nuove foto, cosė, in attesa, ho ripescato qualche foto passata... Ciao,
Luisa Azzolini
{K:1555} 11/4/2006
Great picture!
Pablo Dylan
{K:63918} 11/4/2006
Uno stile ormai consolidato. Gran bella foto.
marco ds
{K:6335} 11/4/2006
Thanks a lot, Dave! Ciao, Marco
marco ds
{K:6335} 11/4/2006
Thank you so much, Jim. Ciao!
marco ds
{K:6335} 11/4/2006
Thank you very much, Gail! Ciao
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 11/4/2006
Excellent composition, with great colours, Marco! Dave.
marco ds
{K:6335} 11/4/2006
Thank you so much, jacques! Ciao
marco ds
{K:6335} 11/4/2006
Thank you very much arian! Ciao
marco ds
{K:6335} 11/4/2006
Thanks a lot, gareth! Ciao
marco ds
{K:6335} 11/4/2006
Thank you very much, David! I included the cars for having the right perception about this immense place. Ciao, Marco
Jim Robertson
{K:40} 11/4/2006
Nice. I like it. Well done. Jim
Gail Solvang
{K:314} 11/4/2006
Excellent shot!
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 11/4/2006
another great capture from Monument valley, nicely composed and done Marco.
arian mumxhiu
{K:960} 11/4/2006
Marco nice shot. I like it arian
A Smith
{K:851} 11/4/2006
wow great shot love the sky
David Lockwood
{K:977} 11/4/2006
lovley shot! how do you feel about the cars in the shot? I might have left them out, however the road would still be visible... its a tough call from that vantage point. really nice colors, sharpness, and clarity. -dave