Elin M
{K:842} 6/4/2003
Wöw! i do not understand how u dared, but maybe your not as scared of dolls as i am. Great work, again!
keon kim
{K:816} 5/8/2003
freaky picturez ya.. but i like the feeling that carries with..
tarjei ekenes krogh
{K:776} 5/3/2003
lovely :-D ! son tarjeiav !
keon kim
{K:816} 4/28/2003
tell me how what your technic is// love it.. love your work l8z
Balazs Borocz
{K:451} 4/27/2003
that's much stronger, than the previous in this theme!!! yes!
Ogy Ego
{K:276} 4/27/2003
This is great!!! Freaks me out and chills my bones - in other words - masterpiece...
kristin kanan
{K:226} 4/26/2003
hey shelby! excellent work. but, those dolls scare me. :\
Arthur Z
{K:5328} 4/23/2003
I love the mother's look...! It's so cool....
Jay Gumm
{K:3084} 4/23/2003
I love this idea!
deniz kaan copur
{K:12726} 4/23/2003
i hate all the dolls indeed. they are all freaky in their fixed expressions and big eyes. what you get is ethereal silence. excellent work.
sept sea
{K:2569} 4/23/2003
Love this!
João Figueiredo
{K:7674} 4/23/2003
like it! disturbing...
{K:731} 4/23/2003
Oooh... Multigothic !
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 4/22/2003
your childhood's labyrinths still emerging surfacing tracing your life or tear it apart
beware of your son: he's a wise man much older than you
paola f. casali
{K:7301} 4/22/2003
Wow, great!!!!!!
see ya!!
{K:703} 4/22/2003
Isn't it in all kids' eyes that their mommy is always the most beautiful person?! ;) Back to the image, awesome dark image! Very good!!
michelle k.
{K:16270} 4/22/2003
!!!!!!!!!!! wow...... dramatic......
Marcin Gorski
{K:12388} 4/22/2003
fantastic work
Todd Broadbent
{K:2204} 4/22/2003
Disturbing. I'm guessing that's what you were going for. Is that "The Scream" by Munch in the background?
GP Merfeld
{K:14396} 4/22/2003
Another masterpiece of darkness, rich in atmosphere, as always, and packing an emotional wallop. Terrific tone, light, and texturing for great impact. You always inspire me with this incredible technique, and I am going to experiment along these lines, or die trying...;-).
j w
{K:12641} 4/22/2003
I think it's a toss up, Shelby! Although I don't think I'd want this hanging over my bed, I do appreciate the work that's gone into it. The mood is outstanding, the composition really clean, and the tones work very well for the subject matter.
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 4/22/2003
My kinda shot Shelby,i loved your picture,its not really a creepy one for me,its more emotive.The texture you use adds a lot to the atmosphere,its like your signature,i'll be lookin forward to see your new ones.
Jonathan Kane
{K:10641} 4/22/2003
hey Shelby.. I like this alot. I'm really not in the mood to say too much, but I really do like it.
Olivia Viveros
{K:1737} 4/22/2003
I really like the atmosphere of that photo. Spooky, dramatic, poetic. I like the contrast, the composition, and the stained look of the picture. Really amazing work...I wish I had done it!
Laura Lee
{K:990} 4/22/2003
umm, that doll is creepy...so is this picture! I like the contrast.
Anna Aichinger
{K:4921} 4/22/2003
great self !!!!! I can understand your son, when I was a little girl I was deadly afraid of a blue, walking elephant with glowing red eyes.....I hate him still......ewwwww...filthy,creepy elephant.......