{K:9693} 11/6/2003
Excellent photo! Cheers, Jose.
{K:9693} 9/30/2003
Excellent portfolio Roberto! cheers
Michele Beccia
{K:16550} 9/27/2003
Te la voto:
1- Perchè è bella.
2- Perchè il punteggio si è fermato a 333 e porta sfiga.
Joksa Juoperi
{K:13473} 8/4/2003
Excellent! Regards, Joksa.
John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 8/3/2003
Absolutely best!!! The lines at the ground gives great feeling of depth and perspective! VEry good clarity!
Harlan Heald
{K:15732} 7/21/2003
Beautiful composition! Well seen and captured!!! Good work here!
enrico k. bona
{K:1002} 5/30/2003
perfetto gioco di linee, senza quell'albero sarebbe stata molto meno interessante, è come se l'occhio cadesse all'infinito e potesse usarlo come appiglio per frenare la corsa...
Fabrizio Dutto
{K:944} 5/29/2003
ottimo colpo d'occhio, un'attenta ricerca delle linee e della composizione. Molto belli i colori, bravo!
Dez Karpati
{K:2237} 5/28/2003
fantastic perspective, excellent landscape.
Stefano Jemma
{K:853} 5/21/2003
ottima luce, colore e profondità.
Marco Grandi
{K:16680} 5/8/2003
Scusami,Roberto..un lapsus..mi e' venuto scritto,Alberto...-)) Chiedo scusa per l'errore.. Ciao Marco.
Marco Grandi
{K:16680} 5/8/2003
Prospettiva da urlo,Alberto!Veramente notevole! Ciao Marco.
Rena Tsiflidou
{K:2606} 5/7/2003
I like the angle this was taken from; the warm lighting of sunset is very pleasing and the lone tree enhances the perspective. Rgds.
Dave Deacon
{K:4053} 5/3/2003
The tree adds a good reference point to the perpective. Good shot.
Giorgio Dose
{K:1266} 4/27/2003
Splendida immagine con ottimo texture! Questo sito mi sembra niente male! Ciao, Giorgio
Kaj Nielsen
{K:15279} 4/26/2003
Splendid perspective and lines, excellent foto. Regards Kaj Nielsen
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 4/26/2003
Great perspective shot with a fitting composition .. i'm a fan of this kind of pics !!
José Varela
{K:636} 4/23/2003
Excellent perspective effect, the harsh sunlight adds a lot to this photo
deniz kaan copur
{K:12726} 4/23/2003
textbook example of perspective. fantastic really.
Edeltraud Vinckx
{K:5559} 4/23/2003
very good landscape, fantastic perspective
Roland Le Gall
{K:7018} 4/22/2003
Excellent....Very good eye and a great sense of composition...
Sylvia H.
{K:22195} 4/22/2003
Great perspective! Regards Sylvia
William Tell
{K:5241} 4/22/2003
Splendid perspective and lines, congrats!
{K:26787} 4/22/2003
Great lines, warm colours. Moving it up and down on this screen has nice effects :)
Alberto Agnoletti
{K:12811} 4/22/2003
Ottima foto!! Complimenti
Francesco Raciti
{K:7101} 4/22/2003
Javed Rassi
{K:8223} 4/22/2003
Very good composition, color and DOF.