Giuseppe Guadagno
{K:34002} 11/2/2006
Thanks Luc, I am glad that you like the picture. I visited you new home, still under construction. You already show a good eye and interesting angles. Use them also for the floral pictures (my passion)! Thanks again.
Eb Mueller
{K:24960} 11/2/2006
Foreground subject is so exquisitely detailed and supported by the creamy background. Eb
Luc Bouwens
{K:6460} 11/1/2006
Excellent shot with much charisma. Give you 7.
Marian Man
{K:80636} 11/1/2006
wonderful and so delicate..... superb capture dear Giuseppe!!!! excellent details and fine DOF!!!!!! very well done all the best Marian
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 11/1/2006
Parece hecha de cristal! Felicitaciones por esta bellísima composición! He estado varios días sin poder entrar, pero sigo afirmando que tus flores y tu estilo son únicos!
Violetta Tarnowska
{K:24497} 10/31/2006
Charming composition... Great depth of focus and light in feathers. Pretty background. Cordialities:) Viola
Joggie van Staden
{K:41700} 10/31/2006
Lovely composition and mood Giuseppe with warm colour (although a bit noisy). Excellent work as usual my friend!! Joggie
stingRay pt.4 .
{K:250401} 10/30/2006
Superbly taken floral study my dear Giuseppe sharply focused with great clarity, excellent details and a perfect dof. I love the colour tones in that wonderful bokeh and the simplistic beauty of the flower itself. Well done to you Giuseppe, an excellent piece of work. My very best wishes to you as always.....Ray:)
soul 21
{K:27572} 10/29/2006
delicata come un cristallo complimenti gennaro
Andrzej Pradzynski
{K:22541} 10/29/2006
Great nature scene from your Alps trip, Great lighting and great simple composition. Saluti, NJ
Emanuele Capelli
{K:6110} 10/29/2006
WOW! bellisima macro Giuseppe...molto tranquilla... Molte delle piante della flora alpica hanno delle infiorescenze simili a questa caratterizzate da una tomentosità(peli)molto accentuata per combattere la disidratazione...questi piccoli e tanti pelucchi con una buona luce come questa risaltano dando alla foto un'atmosfera molto particolare.... Bella! Complimenti!
Ms. Mel Brackstone
{K:5285} 10/29/2006
Lovely shot Giuseppe!!
Giuseppe Guadagno
{K:34002} 10/28/2006
I am very glad that you like this photo, Rina. I can't help going to admire again your Hamlins Hill. I love this luminous image full of life. I have stolen the picture! Ciao Rina.
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 10/28/2006
This is very impressive exposed image, the lighting here is so great and so the details and the pleasant colors
all of the best my friend
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 10/28/2006
Yes it is, exellent free standing capture.;)
Alessandro Capelli
{K:34805} 10/28/2006
Concordo con Roby, semplice e bellissima..una luce fantastica.. Ciao, Ale
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 10/28/2006
pura semplicità sei un maestro.. roby 7
buon WE
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 10/28/2006
ma che strano bellissimo questo fiore e l'effetto con la luce. un salutone e buon we Paolo
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 10/28/2006
Lovely work Giuseppe, an image with great warmth and character.
Todd Carroll
{K:-278} 10/28/2006
Very Nice Giuseppe...basic and simple...I really like it! Todd
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 10/27/2006
Beautiful composition , nice details , lighting & DOF .
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 10/27/2006
Beautiful, dear Guiseppe!:)