Jean Luc LERY
{K:4975} 4/24/2003
Same comment that for other pics.I love it. Regards Jluc
Onur Aydin
{K:9815} 4/22/2003
Fantastic !
Marios Yiatzidis
{K:2243} 4/21/2003
Excellent colors and reflections.
T Glow
{K:14955} 4/20/2003
Wonderful work! regards,T.
Surajit Mukerji
{K:3889} 4/20/2003
Excellent Work. Your "unsharp mask" a bit hi.It's visible. Take care. Want to see more variety. Regards Surajit. (chromalab@vsnl.com)
{K:16195} 4/20/2003
Kaj Nielsen
{K:15279} 4/20/2003
This one is great sharp, beautiful light and coloring, great compoced. Regards Kaj Nielsen
Alberto Agnoletti
{K:12811} 4/20/2003
Excellent work!!
Harald Meyer
{K:437} 4/20/2003
Very beautiful reflections, excellent picture
Filipe Palha
{K:5432} 4/20/2003
just love the reflections!!!!
- simos -
{K:9354} 4/20/2003
Great! regards, simo
Jorge Garcia
{K:8733} 4/20/2003
Good photo and well executed
Stephen Ha
{K:104} 4/20/2003
Beautiful shot .
ileana barigelletti
{K:3571} 4/20/2003
Excellent work! beautiful reflections, bud i don't like thew lower part. Hi! Ileana.
mario mario c
{K:5347} 4/20/2003
beautifl photo...
Robert Whiteman
{K:2201} 4/20/2003
Halos from over-sharpening appear throughout the photo that otherwise is quite nice. Good colors and composition are the strong points while the sharpness is not as good as the G2 is capable of rendering. Perhaps the resizing caused this?
j r
{K:4850} 4/20/2003
... perfect! excellent photo. congrats, Chris.
Luis Costa - Lucaz
{K:9205} 4/20/2003
Nice work, regards!
judy ben joud
{K:4160} 4/20/2003
beautiful night shot
Nando Mondino
{K:14261} 4/20/2003
Fantastic reflections!