Jennifer Edgerton
{K:156} 1/11/2008
love the angle and such a moment that was captured!
Teresa Moore
{K:11063} 1/9/2008
Sometimes it just ALL comes together! What a moment...
Marek Szymanski
{K:1001} 5/2/2007
Thank you Mary very much
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 5/2/2007
Superb image. Beautiful composition with marvelous lines and crisp details. MAry
Marek Szymanski
{K:1001} 4/24/2007
thank you Robert so much
Robert :) .
{K:220} 4/24/2007
perfect ...
{K:826} 3/21/2007
Wow, stunning capture. Fantastic. God Bless
Marek Szymanski
{K:1001} 2/14/2007
Thank you Sergio for everything, please visit www.mbz-photo.com
Sergio Cárdenas
{K:25028} 2/14/2007
Love this portafolies!! great work Marek! I like that!
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 1/30/2007
damned nice shot ..damned nice
Rarindra Prakarsa
{K:-86} 1/30/2007
Moises Levy
{K:782} 1/30/2007
Very dynamic image, and powerfull it express depht and strenght , congratulations.
Best Regards.
Moises Levy
Zefram Zef
{K:1443} 1/30/2007
Breathtaking !!! Top rated for me.
Tony Smallman
{K:23858} 1/29/2007
One of the best landscapes I've seen for a long time-congrats on really great,dynamic shot Best regards, Tony
Tony Diana
{K:13396} 1/29/2007
Precioso HDR
Pauline Dekker
{K:749} 1/29/2007
Absolutely beautiful. Amazing sky. Beautiful light. I love it.
Keven Osborne
{K:572} 1/29/2007
Stupendously good shot mate! Like the grad. filter effect too. Rule of thirds? Pahh!
Mark Evans
{K:17428} 1/29/2007
S-U-P-E-R-B 10+++ love it ... marky .
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 1/29/2007
Just:Perfect as showing how the composition can catch the eyes and can talk with viewer. a very great leaning to the middle. very good understanding of perspective and rhythm in photography. bravo Marek. would be glad to know your oponion about my works too!
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174136} 1/29/2007
So glad to see this stunning photo awarded, Marek!:)
Matheus Lamb Wink
{K:871} 11/22/2006
Nice effect.
Salvatore Rossignolo
{K:13559} 10/31/2006
Great horny toads! This is a massive shot, I love it. The DOF is powerful. Brilliant capture. Sal
Ivonne *
{K:8711} 10/27/2006
Marku, Twoje prace zapierają dech w piersiach... Dla mnie są doskonałe... Zachwycasz swoją umiejętnością dostrzegania i dzielenia się pięknem... Jestem pod wielkim wrażeniem... Ivi
Saintz Saintz2
{K:11250} 10/27/2006
Another good Award ..!
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 10/24/2006
excellent shot..love the action and depth of saturation
Matt Mitchel
{K:3149} 10/24/2006
Nicely composed as it is the case in all your photographs. It was a pleasure to look through your portfolio.
Phillip Minnis
{K:13131} 10/12/2006
A stunning landscape image, Marek! Fantastic colours and composition! Well done!
Congratulations on your SC award!
Paulo Uemura
{K:2330} 10/6/2006
Perfect picture
Marek Szymanski
{K:1001} 10/5/2006
Thank you Romy a lot!
João F * Photography
{K:41945} 10/5/2006
Again no words dear Marek ;) !! rgs jo
Romy Fabian Garmaz
{K:17105} 10/4/2006
Wooooooow. Excellent textures and colours saturation. 7+++++ Regards Romy :)
Debarshi Duttagupta
{K:26815} 10/4/2006
Definitely goes to my favourites. Fantastic work.
Marek Szymanski
{K:1001} 10/4/2006
jeszcze raz serdeczne dzieki, moj adres - marekus@comcast.net, jestesmy (wraz z kilku znajomymi fotografami) w trakcie uruchamiania strony (prawdopodobnie bedzie gotowa za tydzien) - juz zapraszamy do wspolpracy ale zeby nie zapeszyc poczekajmy jeszcze kilka dni..... usciski, Marek
Stan Ciszek
{K:56854} 10/4/2006
Zawstydzony wspanialoscia i klasa swojej pracy, Ej kolego, nie badz juz do przesady skromy. Zgodze sie ze cale to piekno tego swiata ktore nas otacza, choc nie wszystcy to dostrzegaja, tworzy Natura, ale umiejetnosc, dostrzezenia, uwypuklenia i przekazania tego innym jest tez sztuka nie lada. Ty Marku dokonujesz tego w sposob wprost fantastyczny, bo to nie sprzet a czlowiek tworzy to dzielo. "Photography ist the power of observation, not the application of technology" Jest uczta duchowa ogladanie Twoich prac. Pozdrawiam serdecznie, Stanislaw masz ochote na korespondencje, pisz:vivaldi9@vp.pl
Marek Szymanski
{K:1001} 10/4/2006
Thank you very much, jestem nieco zawstydzony...tyle cieplych slow, best regards
{K:-642} 10/4/2006
Superb landscape, Marek!
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174136} 10/4/2006
Oh so very beautiful and perfect, Marek!:)
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 10/3/2006
incredible sky, wonderful colors and contrast, perfect exposure, very nice composition, great shot.
Dino Lupani
{K:15142} 10/3/2006
Powerfull sky, excellent composition and color, congrats!! Dino
Stan Ciszek
{K:56854} 10/3/2006
Another magnificent display Marek, Thank for shering such beauty Congratulations form the bottom of my heart. With Best Regards Stan, Mareczku!!! Przecudowne, zatykajace dech w piersi
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 10/3/2006
coooool.. and powerful image.. the clouds pait a nice effect similar to a perspective like the conevrgent sense on the rock! i like it. anice saturation and nicely composition.. all my best wishes roby 7
a. gianfranco baccelli
{K:21379} 10/3/2006
It's a very great work!
Partha Pal
{K:11619} 10/3/2006
Strong composition. The sky looks spectacular, Excellent colour tonality as well. partha:)
José Vasconcelos Dias
{K:9341} 10/3/2006
Great foto, very well composed and with good colors. Congrats
sascha jonack
{K:19715} 10/3/2006
Great Picture. Wonderful colors and composition.
Hanna Segal
{K:13469} 10/3/2006
this shot rightfully deserves an award! congrats
Olga-Eva Krajciova
{K:19240} 10/3/2006
wish to touch the ground there once wish to
becomes my favourite image for sure
pozdrawiam Olga
Mark Sherman
{K:15669} 10/3/2006
YEA !!!!!! Perfect moment !!