Jason Hopson
{K:3283} 10/3/2006
This is a very good image, Eb. I like the blue of the sky, and how the clouds really stand out - yea for the polarizer. Also, this is a crystal clear image with good detail. You've really captured the vastness well. Jason.
Eb Mueller
{K:24960} 9/26/2006
Interesting comment, Pat! The foreground exposure was altered and could be brought up even more to suit individual taste. I think it is fine as it is - to my taste. I have a 22 in. monitor which is very clear and bright. So, monitor type and adjustment does also make a difference. If you use Capture NX, it is particularily easy to do selective adjustments. In Photoshop, one uses masks to do the same thing. At the camera stage, one could use a graduated ND filter. I find that I often tackle high contrast subjects and should perhaps experiment with a graduated filter - if good ones are not too expensive. Eb
Pat Oates
{K:3046} 9/26/2006
Eb - Nice clear shot. The foreground is a little underexposed - however this is very minor and I really don't know how this could have been addressed given the contrast of sunlight to shadows. Love the sky and green.
John-Eric Lemieux
{K:3045} 9/26/2006
Great color excelent detail +++++++7
Fatemeh Rahimi
{K:13523} 9/25/2006
wow! you could show its hugeness perfectly! great clarity and softness! bravo!
Ibrahim Youssef
{K:5579} 9/24/2006
Sorry about your wife Eb:(
Ibrahim Youssef
{K:5579} 9/24/2006
Desole pour ta femme Eb:( Tres belle vue.
Jimmy Piper
{K:5742} 9/24/2006
top shot. well done, great result.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 9/24/2006
You're welcome, Eb. Glad she's okay!:)
Eb Mueller
{K:24960} 9/24/2006
Wife's OK, Shirley! It was a very painful descent for her, but the knees recovered. I'm glad you liked this view. Eb
Eb Mueller
{K:24960} 9/24/2006
Hi Tim and thanks for your comment! It is an amazing area, indeed! This view is several km. from Whistler peak. Eb
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 9/24/2006
Hi Eb Love the color and clarity of this shot. Where in Whistler is this? I was hiking around Lilloet to Viola Lake and Downton Lake a month ago and it is an amazing area.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 9/24/2006
I am sorry to hear about your wife's knees...hope she is all right. Another very awesome view, Eb!
Joćo F * Photography
{K:41945} 9/23/2006
Very clean image from this beautifull ladscape shot dear Eb well done my dear friend !! cheers joćoi
Jakub Koligot
{K:615} 9/23/2006
Ohhhh man! I is perfect landscape! Congratulations! Jakub.