Harald Meyer
{K:437} 4/18/2003
Good composition
Suvomoy Mitra
{K:8369} 4/17/2003
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte
{K:12734} 4/17/2003
Very nice Roland and funny title.
jorge santos
{K:29} 4/17/2003
the light is amazing
Pedro Dinis
{K:412} 4/17/2003
Very nice perspective and colors, well seen.
ileana barigelletti
{K:3571} 4/17/2003
Lovely light and wonderful perspective! I love the 20-35 mm Canon.... :-))) Ileana.
Greg O'Conner
{K:2398} 4/17/2003
I like the colors adn wide angle. Well done.
Murat Baysan
{K:1947} 4/17/2003
Wonderful colors composition
Jean Luc LERY
{K:4975} 4/17/2003
Ah les cabines téléphoniques de Londres.J'aime vbien l'angle choisi et les couleurs sont sympas (meme si le ciel est un peu granuleux. Je n'arrive pas a reconnaitre le batiment derriere? A+ Jluc
João Figueiredo
{K:7674} 4/17/2003
Nice colors...
William Tell
{K:5241} 4/17/2003
Excellent composition and lighting Roland, beautiful!