Rob Graziano
{K:6678} 11/25/2006
Awesome capture!!!!
Konstantin Yudintsev
{K:3253} 9/10/2006
Spasibo, Serge.
Golova ne gippertrofirovannaya (nu i slovo). Kogda snimayesh zverya u kotorogi pogonnaya dlinna sostavlyaet bolee 2 metrov, nachalnaya chast neizbezhno kazhetsya bolshoy. Na wide-angle - voobshe uzhas budet; khotya inogda eto mozhet i vystrelit. Vse po situation.
Kadrov sdelano nemalo, otobranno 2. Odin iz nikh: http://www.usefilm.com/Image.asp?ID=1015599 Eta zhe loshadka.
Reactiya foto.ru? He, he.. my zhe ne na forume srednego formata. Mne vse viditsa gorazdo legche..Glavnoye sebe ne vrat. ;)
Serge Moscow
{K:-2917} 9/10/2006
Konstantin, spasibo za otzivi o moix snimkax. V principe, ja delaju raznie, no zatem ubiraju. Va zametili, kakoi u menja "index". Eto potomu, chto udalenie svoego foto udaljaet 20 ili 30 ochkov. Poetomu portfolio zdes' adaptirovano pod mestnie vkusi. Vsego ze ja vistavljal zdes', navernoe, ~1500 snimkov. Chto do vashego snimka, to lichno mne reakcija na Foto.ru pokazalac' chut'-chut' ekzal'tirovannoi. Reakcija zdes', imho, vpolne adekvatnaja. Snimok xoroshii i reakcija normal'naja. Lichno menja nemnogo smushaet gipertrofirovannaja golova loshadi. Pod takoe nazvanie, takuju temu ne objazatel'no davat' takuju kartinku. Mozhno, naprimer, dat' makro ineja na shersti (ili na morde) loshadi... No eto chisto vkusovoe. Regards, Serge
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 9/10/2006
wonderful capture, great details, very nice composition, great models. Real nice picture.
Chris Fowler
{K:208} 9/10/2006
I agree with Rashed. This is a very finely crafted photo. Its sharpness gives me chills.
mohamed ahmed abd el rahim
{K:5753} 9/10/2006
brrrr..cooold:)...fantastic shot..fantastic angle..fantastic atmosphere..the title also can be(the tales of a horse);) :) or (wintar tales)...very nice point of view..very well taken best regards mohamed ahmed
Konstantin Yudintsev
{K:3253} 9/10/2006
Thanks for coming by, Jan!
They'd been a lot more comfortable than me, tips of my fingers almost glued to the camera's body with frost. I am not exaggerating. lol
The shutter got stuck a minute later.
Konstantin Yudintsev
{K:3253} 9/10/2006
Serge! Zdes vse budet gorazdo spokoineye.;) Kak vsegda, sobstvenno. Poluchit portsiyou normalnoi kritiki prakticheski nerealno. Tokoye oschoushenie, chto glavnyi leitmotif - ty mne ya tebe, kak, sobstvenno vezde na 90%.
Chto kasaetsa moey reaction - eto pod nastroyenie. S menya ne ubudet, esli konechno foty ponravilis.
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 9/10/2006
This is a beautiful and telling photo. Composition, detail and tone are excellent. Thanks for sharing this one with us. They look quite comfortable with the weather. --Jan
Serge Moscow
{K:-2917} 9/10/2006
Budet interesno sravnit' reakciju mestnoi auditorii s reakciei na Foto.ru, gde ona bila vostorzhennoi. Warm regards, Serge P.S. A na abdullu vi zrja reagiruete, on razvlekaetcja tem, chto pishet comments ko vcem snimkam. Vi posmotrite na ego cifru, ja takoi nikogda eshe ne videl:)
Konstantin Yudintsev
{K:3253} 9/10/2006
Thanks you, Rasheed for stopping by.
Poor horses? These beasts don't mind staying out all the time, not that the local villagers care a bit about that as well. The village is very small comprising 40 Old-Orthodox families. Their men strating from 14 y.o are all trappers.
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 9/10/2006
Oh, poor horses, isnt this climate condition too cold for them ?
This is a very powerful image and with very critical exposure capture at this weather.
I like the composition here and the very sharp details, wishing you all of the best my friend