RC. Dany
{K:64104} 11/5/2006
Excellent .
;o;o ;o;o;o
{K:4} 9/20/2006
Love your worK.......
 Your work inspires |
Leo Régnier Я£
{K:67696} 9/13/2006
Giulio Rotelli
{K:28441} 9/11/2006
The problems with focus on self portrait are something i know so well. I suggest that you might try to give a largest aperture to have bigger point of focus, or in a less technical way you can put an object (ex: chair) in the point you want focus and take it by your self, then you block focus on the camera and move the chair; you click on autoshot and take your pose. But think that if you do all in manual regulations you would have the opportunity to choice the aperture, the shutter and then play better with the light result... Here, the shot is real interesting, the position, the B&W, your dresses, the compo, but in all of this there's something that could be do better: your face on focus, the left and is burn by light.... Try it again with manual regulations with different choices in 3 or 4 shots, and surely you will be so happy for the result...
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 9/10/2006
Now, see, here the overblown light works for me, because it's seen as a motivation for your sheltered or defensive stance. I can see an obvious benefit to over-exposing this shot. It works.
{K:3547} 9/10/2006
A glamorous shot. The pose is just right and I liked the lighting as well. I don't see any photo with this pose. into my favs.
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 9/10/2006
I really like the soft focus. Boots and hat quite dramatic. Say hello to Ted. Looking forward to a self portrait of you with Ted. --Jan
Joćo F * Photography
{K:41945} 9/10/2006
Excelent photograph dear Naomi !! joćo
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 9/10/2006
wow,,,,,,Yes Naomi I do love it! Very expressive! wonderful light and shadow mix dear! Wonderfull compsition and pose. Like the light is baring down on you! Great job on a tough self portrait!
Paul E Brumit
James Cook
{K:38068} 9/10/2006
Oh, it's the furry boots again. This is really an unusual pose. Your peculiar lighting works well with the pose. The compliment one another. Keep up the good work.
* *
{K:9196} 9/10/2006
Interesting shot.
ana ribeiro
{K:21290} 9/10/2006
i love out of focus photos , and trust me if tis one was really out of focus the more i'd love it. vey good pose , difficult and natural
hdw Photography
{K:6630} 9/10/2006
Nice....I like Naomi:) Well done Wishes Hilton