Keith M. Bailey
{K:500} 9/6/2006
Jennifer Jones
{K:-505} 9/5/2006
Hi Keith! Thanks for our comment! It was an amazing opportunity to experience San Salvador the way we did!
I wanted to emai you the link to the DVD presentation. Can you sen dme your email address?
Thanks Keith! Jennifer
Nicolas Iordănescu
{K:3193} 9/5/2006
Really dramatic and authentic. Well done Nikko
Keith M. Bailey
{K:500} 9/4/2006
Betty Kae says your presentation was great, this is so powerful, I wish I could have gone with you and Pastor great job!!! Your friend, Keith
Karina Brys
{K:16541} 9/2/2006
A dramatic expression indeed.
{K:61359} 9/2/2006
This capture is really beautiful. The tones and contrast are well managed which are not so easy with the bright part on the downpart. But this latter can not be removed since it adds something to the shot. The glance of the child is nicely capture and so expressive. He seems to be distressed. I like the contrast between the dark background and the rest of the photo which allows to emphasize some details. Congrats for this excellent work Jennifer
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 9/2/2006
Impactante y dramático retrato. Felicitaciones!