Russell Love
{K:7006} 5/21/2003
i forgot to tell ya it's going in my favorites
Later my friend,
Russell Love
{K:7006} 5/21/2003
Just strolling through your folio and found this one. Fell in love with it! The lighting is great, wonderful details, with contrasting background. This shot give the over all feeling of the delicacy if the flower. Great job with the b&w showing the beauty of the dasies.
Later my friend,
Kovacs Tamas
{K:1473} 4/16/2003
Peter Mills
{K:151} 4/14/2003
Great compositon well done.
Andy Eulass
{K:13435} 4/14/2003
Now that's a B&W flower! Or flowers, I should say. Beautiful tone and great detail. Very nicely done. Do you ever take on students? :)
Nita H
{K:548} 4/13/2003
Well lit, wonderful composition.
Mavis Dean
{K:3962} 4/13/2003
A wonderful composition of B/W daisies Karen . The detail is outstanding . Thanks for comments on my Dandelion or as some one pointed out in Latin Taraxacum !!!
Marco Grandi
{K:16680} 4/13/2003
Fine and delicate composition,Karen! Thanks for the constructive comment to Rainbow..:-)) Bye marco.
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 4/13/2003
Very striking in black and white. Excellent exposure. Don.
Joksa Juoperi
{K:13473} 4/13/2003
Good B&W flower shot.
William Tell
{K:5241} 4/13/2003
Very delicat composition, excellent B/W, congrats!
Jean Luc LERY
{K:4975} 4/13/2003
Very delicate.Great sharpness and details.Wonderful result,very emotive.Congrats
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 4/13/2003