Amitava Banerjea
{K:7088} 9/9/2008
Love the composition and the light. It looks as if the sun is almost directly overhead - mid-day? - but you've handled it very well.
This is a magnificent animal, rather lighter hued and less hirsute than I thought it would be.
John Hatz
{K:156973} 8/30/2008
now THAT is an animal we...simple cannot see every day hahaha...enough with cats and dogs, excellent!
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 12/8/2006
The stuff you are seeing is fantastic. I see you are getting good use of that lens too. Hope to get one for myself soon. Cheers, Tim
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{K:9196} 8/2/2006
I always quote Shakespeare to these people...
"There are more things in heaven and earth Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
* James *
{K:20200} 8/2/2006
terry, canada certainly does have advantages that most other countries dont have. but that doesnt mean one cant live comfortably in another place or society. china is a developing country and has many problems still but its possible to have a life similar to that back home, its just that most people who've not been to china dont realize thats possible. but many people are afraid of the unknown, and china and other faraway countries are still the unknown to many out there. as far as photography is concerned, china is like a gold mine that one might have stumbled upon.
so in essence, i agree with you.
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{K:9196} 8/2/2006
Keep enjoying life. ;) Most people don't get to enjoy things like that. Many Canadians I know have never even been outside of Canada. Nor do they want to be.
It irks me to no end when they run around telling everybody that Canada is the best Country on Earth to live in.
Canada may be nice. But, in my experience, so is almost everywhere else that I've visited. And there are things out there that people will never see in Canada.
* James *
{K:20200} 8/2/2006
terry.... i live and work in china. i'm free for the summer and various other parts of the year as well. so i have plenty of opportunit to travel, and do most of it here in china, altho i do go to other places when i have the time and money.
regarding breathing at higher altitudes, you can always feel that you're high up, climbing stairs, or some other routine task reminds you of it constantly. altitude sickness took over me for a couple of days two weeks ago, headache, body aches, nausea, but after that (and some medication) i felt ok.
the views and the simplicity of life up there makes it all worthwhile in my opinion. no crowds, no pollution and lots of freedom to go wherever you want to do whatever you want.
i lived in alberta for a few years as a teenager but i've only been to the rockies once and even then it was just driving thru. so i'm making up for it now.
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{K:9196} 8/2/2006
Thanks for the explanation James. I've never been in places like that. I envy you for being there. Your Pics are great. Why are you there?
I know that when Pilots fly over 10,000 feet, the law requires oxygen. But I guess that's just for Pilots because they're flying a plane. Still, that tells you that Hypoxia can be a problem at any height over 10,000 feet.
* James *
{K:20200} 8/2/2006
hi terry. breathing up here isnt too hard, altho you do need to pace yourself when you first arrive. at times, you can even find yourself gasping for breath while sleeping at night. altitude sickness does hit some however, including me at one point earlier in my trip.
i should mention that there are lots of cyclists who ride from chengdu and places further and arrive in western sichuan in that way. riding up from sea level to almost 5000m cant be easy but its something i want to try next year. travelling by bicycle also allows one to stop at any time to do some photography, an opportunity i didnt have this year as i was travelling by bus.
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{K:9196} 8/1/2006
How on Earth do you breathe up there? Nice shot. The buildings in the background look fantasticly beautiful.
Aliihsan Pinçe
{K:5485} 8/1/2006
lik the focus , great photograph congratulations best regards Aliihsan
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 8/1/2006
I really love the colours in this image. The pose and the backdrop are spot on.