Alex Munteanu
{K:1337} 8/27/2006
Ce dracu comentarii v-au bagat astia? Poza e bestiala. Cand am venit de la Cluj am avut parte de un peisaj de vis. Am vazut si eu nori acoperind soarele, marginile lor fiind aurii, iar cerul de un albastru incredibil. Imi pare rau insa ca nu am avut cu ce sa fac fotografii. Asta e, daca nu am aparatul meu...
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 8/9/2006
Thank you so very much, dear Liddo!:)
Liddo Ray Night
{K:551} 8/9/2006
Thank you my Dear. May all be well with you. Hugs to you and kisses to all.
Sincerely Liddo Ray Night
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 8/9/2006
You certainly are a sky-watcher! Very beautiful, Liddo!
Liddo Ray Night
{K:551} 8/2/2006
Thank You so much J for the kind words. I only wish I had more time to take a better pic. This was an unexpected shot for me. Litteraly. :-) Hope all is well.
Sincerely Liddo Ray Night
Jacob French
{K:6315} 8/1/2006
Great light rays from behind the cloud. Well seen and taken!
Keep up the great work! J