Mike Allebach
{K:391} 5/10/2003
I took the picture 2 years ago...check my portfolio. This picture is old news. I've gotten 10xs better since I took this.
David Grundy
{K:1571} 5/9/2003
Hi Mike, This is really just a monochrome shot of an old boot on the window ledge of a shed. The composition leaves a lot to be desired, remember the "rule of thirds".
This haphazard arrangement does nothing. The picture appears to be leaning to the left and could benefit from some work in Photoshop, the window frame elements ought to be vertical. The bits of twig outside the window are generally distracting and interfere with the subject - the boot.
You should really have another go at this shot, remove that diagonal twig and give the picture a rotational twitch to the right (clockwise)ensuring that your verticals are vertical and resubmit for comment.
Kim Culbert
{K:37070} 1/30/2002
A stunning image. I'm not sure of what suggestions were given before (as they've all disappeared) but I would like to see more definition on the shoe. I love the texture of the stone, though!
Mike Allebach
{K:391} 4/23/2001
I really like this location, it's right off the road and easy to get to. It's about 25 minutes from my house, so i'll be back. Next time hopefully I'll bring up some aluminum foil (i am a begginer, so i can't afford real equiptment) to give the boot more fill. I didn't post the shot I did with fill flash because it turned out extremely flat and ugly. I also want to bring a friend along and take some pictures of them with the window light streaming through. Thanks for the suggestions.
Artie Colantuono
{K:12275} 4/23/2001
A little reflector fill would have helped to highlight the boot more. Nice overall job however and its nice to see you look anywhere to find imagery. Keep at it.