BTW, forget what I said about the background with this image; it works quite well here. In your two most recent images, Sidewalk & Anxiety, the environment seems a little more distracting...
I love street photography and admire your nerve to get close to your subjects. These seemingly ordinary scenes can become extraordinary photographs, especially with the passage of time. I love the work of someone like Walker Evans, whose images capture a time and place so well. Many of the photos in your portfolio document present-day New York in this manner.
If I was going to suggest anything, it might be to point out that overall your backgrounds are a little busy and recommend that you sometimes try to simplify the surroundings. The details of the environment can work to your benefit, but they can distract from the subject as well.
You might have a look at Jeff Spirer?s New York 2002 gallery on his site,, for some excellent street shooting. He contributes to the forums on ? if you search for 'street photography' you will find him. He?s also commented in the Philosophy forum here on Usefilm.
Like I said, I admire that you?re out on the street shooting, something I?m working on building the courage and confidence to do more of myself. I look at Jeff?s images (and yours too) as inspiration to get out there and do it more?