John Charlton
{K:5595} 4/12/2003
Thank you Aiman, Cary and GP.
The jagged edges on the horizon are the unfortunate result of my sharpening the whole image rather than selective parts of it. Aiman pointed this out to me in a version he emailed me. Thanks again Aiman. I promise to be more selective in the future.
Cary; I did not see and had forgotten about the double rainbow until you pointed it out to me, but clearly there is one. Good eyes on you!
GP; Do you find the contrast masking technique has advantages over any other type of contrast manipulation such as curves or levels adjustments?
To that end, Aiman has shown me great results using selective colour adjustments, however he has much more colour theory under his belt than I do and am looking for simpler paths to greatness ;)
GP Merfeld
{K:14396} 4/11/2003
Excellent use of what is actually an old darkroom technique for great improvement to the image... Ain't the digital darkroom grand??!!! I have used this technique just a bit at times when trying to boost the tonal range of a "flat" image, and it really does help, as you have shown... The slight jagginess of the distant tree line is most likely due to JPEG compression for the web, I bet... Great job, John.
Cary Shaffer
{K:9269} 4/6/2003
Good job John, rianbows are certainly fleeting and you have to be ready when they appear. I seem to see a second one slightly above the main one.
John Charlton
{K:5595} 4/6/2003
Thanks Aiman; I will take you up on that. I am using Paint Shop Pro and trying to adapt from Photo Shop tutorials.
Aiman Nassar
{K:11961} 4/6/2003
I thought first that you joint two images, because of the jagged line between the trees and the sky...If you are using PS, here is my mail:aiman@iklix.com... and pleasure to discuss with that technique, and any further subjects
John Charlton
{K:5595} 4/6/2003
The process involves creating a duplicate layer which is desaturated and reversed before being blended with the main image. It really helped this photograph.
Here is the same image before the contrast mask was applied. disregarding the darkness of the uncorrected image, the contrast mask seems to bring a lot of information in the shadows.
I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who has experience with using this technique.
