Radmila Gorjanovic
{K:3113} 7/19/2006
Yes, you are right about this picture, but my idea was to show both of pictures, with different details in the center! Thank you Paul! Greetings R...
Giulio Rotelli
{K:28441} 7/19/2006
just incredible.. when i was thinking you have do the best with the subject, tou put out this great one.... magnificient
Henriette Andersen
{K:574} 7/19/2006
This is so creative!!! And beautiful and strange in a very good way. You are extremely talented first of all to think of doing this, and second of all, being able to capture it in such a great photograph. really love it. Henriette...
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 7/19/2006
Ok, I like the positioning of this better than the close-and-centered version, but this one lacks the detail in the center. Perhaps with a little levels adjustment you could restore the finer details that are blown out here?
(Just my observation, naturally, as this shot is quite strong as is).
Raquel, I will NEVER think of a dandelion as ordinary, after the thorough joy and exploration you have exposed me to. Bravo!!
Bruce Harper
{K:5305} 7/19/2006
What fun you have been having Raquel - this is a very imaginative series. I think I prefer the simpler ones, but this is still interesting and attractive.