Faika Berat Pehlivan
{K:2160} 7/14/2006
day light and natural color...Thankd you for your coment dear John. Happy that you like it.
John Segon-Fisher
{K:2580} 7/14/2006
Such a beautiful and sensitive composition. Your lighting and colour are also extremely good!!
Faika Berat Pehlivan
{K:2160} 7/13/2006
teşekkür ederim Bülent... şimdi anımsayamıyorum ama o karartı bedeni olmalı... yüklerken farkına varsam keser ya da o gri maviliği oraya kadar uzatabilirdim... düşümnemedim. :)
Faika Berat Pehlivan
{K:2160} 7/13/2006
Dear Steve, Thank you very much for your helpfull comment. I will test it :) Regards.
Bulent Ozturk
{K:6886} 7/13/2006
Guzel kompozisyon yalniz fotografin sag tarafindaki koyuluk rahatsiz etmis gibi. Tebrikler..
Stephen Gledhill
{K:1232} 7/13/2006
Nice reflection shot. I think with a little different angle and a little cloning out of the blue/grey reflection of the shirt/sweater it would be really cool. Giving the hands a out of nowhere feel to them and with the hand a little further from the mirror it would give it a very interesting symmetry. Just a thought.
Steve Congrats!