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Catching Any?
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Image Title:  Catching Any?
Favorites: 1 
 By: Klaas  Baas  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Klaas   Baas  Klaas  Baas {Karma:15111}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon EOS 10D
Categories Deep Blue
Film Format Digital JPEG High
Portfolio Trees and Branches
Sea and Lakes
Lens Canon 28-105 USM
Uploaded 7/11/2006 Film / Memory Type Sandisk 1 GB Ultra II
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 407 Shutter 1/350
Favorites Aperture f/11
Critiques 34 Rating
/ 5 Ratings
Location City -  Marone (lago d'Iseo)
Country - Italy   Italy
About Here I am again, after a long holliday back on the nest, only one but...... very busy with my work again, so less time for my hobby, hope you find that it doesn't matter me posting a little less than you're used to.
I'll try to comment as much as possible.

Here's the first from our hollidays, I took it from the waterside of our campingspot on the Iseo lake in Italy, those fishermen were there every evening, catching fish and eating their catch.
Hope you like it, all your comments very much apreciated.

Camera Model Name
Canon EOS 10D
Tv( Shutter Speed ) 1/350
Av( Aperture Value ) 11
Iso Speed 200
Lens 28.0 - 105.0mm
Focal Length 28.0mm
Image Size 2048x3072
Image Quality Fine
Color Space sRGB
File Size 428KB
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There are 34 Comments in 1 Pages
Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 3/8/2007
Thanks Biljana, but no problem, you cannot see it all at the same time. Sometimes we discover things after a long while and looking over and over again.
I'm very happy you like it.



biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 3/7/2007
How I miss this beauty!!???
Amazing,my friend


Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 7/23/2006
Thanks Gayle, for your kind comment on this one. I'm glad you liked it.Liked it a lot myself for practicly the same reasons.
Regards and take care,



Gayle Newton Gayle Newton   {K:1482} 7/22/2006
You have a number of nice images in your gallery, Klaas, but this one caught my eye. I particularly like the subtle shifts in tone between the mountains - you have managed to keep detail, even in silhouette. This one "feels" very nice.
Gayle :)


Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 7/16/2006
Thanks very much Maxime for your kind comment, I'm glad you like this one.
Visited your portfolio again, but still empty. When are you going to post again?
Take care,



m , m ,   {K:15872} 7/15/2006
It is nice harmony stuck between the silhouettes and brightness. The light impulse of the sun made the image very peaceful. It is a moody landscape with soft light and amazing colours! The perspective you’ve decided to illustrate the image with the tree-branches is absolute ideal. Well done.
Best regards: Maxime


Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 7/15/2006
Thanks Tuba, I'm glad you like it.
Best regards, take care,



Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 7/15/2006
Thanks for your visit and comment Kemal, very much apreciated. I'm glad you like it.
Best regards, take care,



abuT naruD   {K:2796} 7/15/2006
very nice shot... beautiful photo....
take care
Have a nice weekend ;)


k o                            c (saatci)  k o c (saatci)    {K:8257} 7/15/2006
Very lovely composition. I like the composition a lot. Very nice tones.



Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 7/14/2006
Thanks Jenny, it's good to see your comments again, i'm happy you like this one.
Take care, goodluck,



Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 7/14/2006
Hi Meldijana, it's good to read your comments again.
I'm happy that you think it's nice.
Take care,



Jennifer S Jennifer S   {K:2363} 7/14/2006
Hi Klaas, It gives me a great feeling of serenity & right mood to be on a holiday!! fishing & relaxing in there.
lovely capture!


Meldijana Omerbegovic   {K:4079} 7/13/2006
Beuatiful light and colours --beautiful peaceful and calm at the end of the day..very nice image,Klaas.
Kind regards


Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 7/13/2006
Thanks for your kind words Nacho.
Take care,



Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 7/13/2006
Thanks for your welcome back words Maryam, and yes I had a wonderful holiday with nothing else than good weather, sunny and warm with a little breeze from the lake every now and than. I'm glad you liked this picture, this is the lake were we stood for 3 weeks.
Take care,



Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 7/13/2006
Thanks Laura for your flattering comment on this one.
Take care,



Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 7/13/2006
great frame.amazing tones. wonderful composition.


Maryam Shokri   {K:3545} 7/13/2006
hi...welcome back and hope u had a wonderful holiday with so much fun!
this is a perfect shot after that long break...great composition and impressive lighting...everything is so good...keep it up and congrats for this beautiful pic!

best wishes, MaryaM :)


Laura Spell Laura Spell   {K:24080} 7/13/2006
Moody landscape! I like the way the scene is framed with the tree branches. Soft light and pastel colors are pleasing to view.


Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 7/13/2006
Thanks Nil for your flattering comment, the trip was good, high temperatures 28-35 degrees, seen a lot, so I will post more from our trip, hope you like them as much as this. Thanks for your welcome words, it feels good when I red it.
Take care, regards,



Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 7/13/2006
Thanks brother, I'm very pleased you like it so much, and very grateful you made it your fav.
It where beautiful evenings over there.
Take care,



Nilanjan Mitra Nilanjan Mitra   {K:12955} 7/13/2006
Welcome back.. Klaas.. :) this is really wonderful and stunning... :)..
I have uploaded the the pics of horses which I promised... :) How was the trip ??
excellent begining after a long break :)
cngrats my friend...


Ace Star Ace Star   {K:21040} 7/12/2006
amazigly beautiful :) i dont know what to say so peacefull and calm lake view :) grt capture brother really liked it alot :)
goes to my fav

good luck


Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 7/12/2006
Thanks Doyle, glad to be back, and very honoured with your dedication, very much apreciated. I'm happy to see you liked the fishermen shot, I did like it myself a lot.
Take care, and best regards,



Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 7/12/2006
Thanks Mohammad, but we didn't win, I come from Holland, but I spend my hollidays in the country of the winners. Thanks anyway. I'm glad you liked my photo, thanks for your kind words.
Take care,



Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 7/12/2006
Bedankt voor je lovende comentaar op mijn foto Riny, dat doet me goed ik hoop dat de redactie van UF dat met je eens is, nou ja we zien wel.
Goed om te horen dat het weer de goede kant op gaat met je rug, en jammer dat je niet door kan gaan met je huisje. Ben je trouwens verhuist naar Amsterdam?
Het beste, groetjes vanuit Zeewolde, en natuurlijk een fijne avond,



Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 7/12/2006
Hi Mary, good to read your comment again.
I'm glad you like this one, the guys have a special technique, moving their fishing-rod up and down, but they were catching a lot of fish and never throw one back, they eat every fish they catch.
Thanks for being glad that I had a good holliday.
Take care,



Klaas   Baas Klaas  Baas   {K:15111} 7/12/2006
Thanks for your comment Galal, as always very much apreciated.
Take care,



Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 7/12/2006
Welcome back Klaas!!

As a token of friendship I searched and searched to find an Amrican SW windmill for you. (Ok, I came across it by mistake . . . but DID think of you when I saw it)! It is at

This fishermen shot is perfectly composed and very beautiful! Like the colours and silhouettes a great deal. Well done!

Doyle I <~~~~~


Mohammad Porooshani Mohammad Porooshani   {K:20765} 7/12/2006
Welcome back and congratulations for world cup winning!
amazing composition dear Klaas, three different area of work, one silhouette in top and one diagonal mount and one horizontal lake water,all of them composed really nice there,
I like the mood too,
Great work
My bests,


Riny Koopman Riny Koopman   {K:102911} 7/11/2006
WOW!! Looks like a BIP winner!! Everything about this is perfectly composed dear friend 7+++ Mijn huisje ligt al een geruime tijd stil om het feit dat het geld al op is,ik heb al mijn vacantie geld er in gestoken,en met mijn rug gaat het de goede kant op,Ik zie dat je in Italie bent geweest heb je daar nog leuke foto,s kunnen maken Klaas..?? Hoop dat ik je weer gauw terug ziet op use. Fijne avond,Riny


Mary Slade   {K:40338} 7/11/2006
This is so gorgeous Klaas- I'd love to be fishing there! You have a wonderful image with colours and lighting. To have that sun on the water and the silhouettes- beautiful amd peaceful. Glad you had a good holiday Klaas.


Galal El Missary   {K:84569} 7/11/2006
Nice mood , Great compoaition , tones & framing .





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