David Lockwood
{K:977} 7/9/2006
beautiful shot of a beautiful mountain!!!
to be honest, however, im not really fond of the frame that is used, I much prefer to see an image free of distractions. all the best, dave
Angela Brocklesby Sattler
{K:1017} 7/8/2006
What an amazing mountain. Thank you for the geography lesson too, really interesting. Majestic is a very apt title. Wonderful photo.
{K:70138} 7/8/2006
Ohhh..travel.. I wish I were in SO many places.. just doesn't happen.. work, life, responsibilities..
Thanks for looking into my work.
all the very best, Avi
Chris Sitter
{K:2345} 7/8/2006
Beautiful work......I love "The Bull" :) My father is the mountaineer and while I have climbed with him I have a long ways to go before I would ever define such a title on myself. I see pictures of places from around the world posted here that take my breath away and make me envious of where they live......I am glad to see I can do the same occationally :) I appreciate your comments.
Chris Sitter
{K:2345} 7/8/2006
Cathy, what you are seing in the picture is upper most part of the mountain well above the treeline. The base of the mountain sits at about 2000-2500' and extends through 12,500. The trees would give way to alpine at about the 6000'-7000' mark and the snow you see is virtually year round. The mountain itself creates its' own ecosystem around it as it actualy generates its own weather system! Moisture that rolls in off the pacific is still blocked as it reaches the mountain and thus there is a species normally associated with a coastal rainforest 1000km inland. It is exceptional. Menagerie is unnaturally quiet as it is summer here and the kids are out of school and several are even off at camp. Hope you enjoy your weekend.
Chris Sitter
{K:2345} 7/8/2006
As always, thanks Rashed.
{K:70138} 7/8/2006
Great capture, Chris !!!.. You are a mountaineer ?? Cool...
all the very best, Avi
Cathy Carroll
{K:28144} 7/8/2006
The mountain that really is a mountain, unlike the hills we call mountains in Aus. And that fancy framing again. Looks pretty cool! It looks pretty steep, too steep for trees to hang on or just too high in altitude? How's the menagerie? Cathy
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 7/8/2006
very great capture, so sharp and with beautiful contrast and tone, all of the best my friend