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{K:9196} 6/26/2006
Definitely Dan. Thanks. I can see you take an interest in your work. It makes all the difference, doesn't it? :)
Dan Scenna
{K:1661} 6/26/2006
Hi Terry:
Thanks for the interest in this photo. It was taken on a bright, sunny day. We moved under the trees at mid-day and so had patches of sunlight and the rest was open shade. The exact setting varied slightly as we moved from spot to spot, but the technique that will work for others shooting in similiar situations is to meter for the bright spots (in this case the face) and let the shadows take care of themselves.
I hope that helps?
{K:1022} 6/25/2006
a like dream
Joćo F * Photography
{K:41945} 6/25/2006
Nice i like it dear Dan S. !! joćo
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 6/25/2006
My, soooo impressive! Beautiful work,
Paul E Brumit
Fadel J
{K:13974} 6/25/2006
Beautiful lighting and model!
Kambiz K
{K:37420} 6/25/2006
Is she alright ?
Rob Graziano
{K:6678} 6/25/2006
Like the feeling of the shot Dan; what were your settings on this one? Nice Work!!!
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{K:9196} 6/25/2006
Great Portrait Dan.