Ursula Luschnig
{K:21723} 6/18/2006
Two faces...one full of emotions and so very beautiful!I think it is a picture of the soul in contrary to the mask. Ursula PS: And enjoy going out... without a wig !
Sarah Chatham
{K:377} 6/16/2006
I'm sorry for the way that you have chosen to interpret these photos. I hoped that everyone would see that I have chosen to deal with this in a healthy healing way by expressing myself through my art and if you really knew me you would know that I am not "hiding behind a death mask" but staying happy and positive throughout this whole journey which is a very difficult thing for many to do. I had hoped that others would see "the smile behind my eyes" and wouldn't need a smile to know that I was happy. Obvisually I was worng and need to spell it out for you.
j esford
{K:13518} 6/16/2006
Sarah my dear, I must confess that when first I spotted your bald series I was intrigued. After visiting the entire series (as well as the the earlier works in your portfolio)I'm uncomfortable by the mood you've chosen to portray with these particular shots. I'm sure that I will be accused of being insensitive by many, I apologize if that happens, it is not my intent. You've been dealt a bad hand. You have a beautiful smile and you've done well to portray your happiness before the illness. With this series, you've chosen to share work which hides that beauty behind a death mask. I'm sorry for your pain and suffering, I would like to see that earlier happiness return in your work. I think your temporary baldness should be turned to your advantage. In my opinion, you're capable of much better pieces. Technically I see these shots revolving around a central theme of pain, death and depression. Your mannequin is the focal subject in this particular piece. It is the subject in focus. The expression of content is in it's face. There is just too much pain for me. I wish you continued good luck and look forward to enjoying how your pieces evolve through your success. Congratulations on your healthful recovery. -john
Tiger Lily
{K:10966} 6/16/2006
Hi Sarah, I like the soft lighting and the creative composition. You look healthy but I see some sadness in your eyes. Hope you feel better soon.
Dale Ann Cubbage
{K:9755} 6/16/2006
Sarah, this is unique. I wish the light on your face were equal to the light on the mannequin. But I like your angle oppossed to the mannequin being straight.
You're a brave woman. And if I were you, I wouldn't worry about being bald. You're beautiful in spite of it.