Massimo Pistore
{K:-190} 7/20/2006
What a powerful nature!!! I like very much the lines of the sky and the sand...wonderful colors! Bye! :-) Massimo
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 7/5/2006
Lovely image and well composed Nicole. I agree with Tylor that a black border would help to define this capture and present it more elegantly. Something along the line of 2 to 4 mm black border should do nicely (IMO) though I suspect Vincent had a broader border in mind. I don't think a slower shutter speed is necessarily a good idea. I like very much the effect the current shutter speed (whatever it was) has had on the image. Nicely done and a really tranquil image!
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 6/14/2006
great tone and exposure., very well composition.
Dario Stefani
{K:4938} 6/14/2006
Dale Ann Cubbage
{K:9755} 6/14/2006
Wow, this is fantastic!
Salvatore Rossignolo
{K:13559} 6/14/2006
Oh my God! This is a tour de force of the color blue. The color lighting and that amazing reflection are top notch....My highest compliments. Sal
Alex Wasilewski
{K:888} 6/14/2006
I love the textures in this photo...of the sand/water and the clouds as well, they are very complimentary to one another...The color is very rich and is well brought out! nice capture!
Vincent K. Tylor
{K:7863} 6/14/2006
I like the interesting textures in the sand with this. The swirling clouds also add a nice element. I think for this image to be better appreciated, it really needs to be posted a little larger than what we see here. I also would suggest using some type of darker border, due to the usefilm background being such a bright white. Because it is a smaller vertical image, the white background seems to take away from the actual beauty that you have captured. I would also suggest using two other things for seaside images like this at dusk. Some kind of a graduated filter to add a little more balance in the lighting, as the cloud appears as bright as possible, while the lower portion could use a little more detail. I would also suggest using a tripod for a little more sharpness as well as the opportunity to slow down the shutter and get some movement in the water. Still even as it is right now, you have something very nice in my sincere opinion. A few adjustments though just might make it even better.