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New Bridge
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Image Title:  New Bridge
Favorites: 20 
 By: Jorge Jacinto  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer Jorge Jacinto  Jorge Jacinto {Karma:4372}
Project #1 Abstracts Camera Model Canon EOS 5
Categories Architecture
Film Format
Portfolio Lens 17/35
Uploaded 3/26/2003 Film / Memory Type Kodak E 100 VS
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 5364 Shutter
Favorites 20  Aperture f/0
Critiques 113 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City - 
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About Vasco da Gama Bridge - Lisbon - Portugal (Extension 14 Km.)
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There are 113 Comments in 1 Pages
Sylvia Marriott Sylvia Marriott   {K:12812} 1/25/2007
Hi Jorge,
Breathtakingly beautiful!!!



Clyde Koa Wing Clyde Koa Wing   {K:-133} 9/22/2006


João F * Photography João F * Photography   {K:41945} 2/20/2006
Muito boa perspectiva gosto Jorge.os meus parabéns pelo EC!!!


Joe Teng   {K:16723} 12/29/2004
stunning shot! Good landscape Photography


José Vasconcelos Dias   {K:9341} 7/8/2004
Excelente foto, uma óptima perspectiva, boas cores e esta ponte é sem dúvida muito bonita. Parabéns.


José Vasconcelos Dias   {K:9341} 7/8/2004
Excelente foto, óptima perspectiva e esta ponte é sem dúvida muito bonita. Parabéns.


José Vasconcelos Dias   {K:9341} 7/8/2004
Excelente foto, esta ponte é sem dúvida muito bonita. Parabéns


CJ Kitts   {K:1607} 3/9/2004


Gabriella Carta Gabriella Carta   {K:22879} 3/9/2004
really a stately bridge! very beautiful!


Amit Saha Amit Saha   {K:3131} 3/9/2004
gr8 angle for the shot...excellent composition...highlights the lenght of the bridge effectively....cheers


Andy Simmons Andy Simmons   {K:7704} 3/9/2004
Awesome shot. Excellent composition.


Inger-Lise Sundberg   {K:1048} 3/9/2004
Splendid! Exellent work here.Good lines and beautiful clouds.Lovely colours.
Regard Inger-Lise


Deleted Member Deleted Member   {K:7533} 3/9/2004
very nice composition
excellent perspective
good work Mr. Jacinto


Nasos Efstathiadis   {K:611} 3/9/2004
Great sky, great perspective


Dany danY   {K:1062} 2/27/2004
Your works are ever really wonderful Jorge.
Dany_danY from Italy


Rui Pedro   {K:657} 1/14/2004
Boa foto.


Mari Mar   {K:11469} 11/28/2003
Felicitaciones, Jorge, una composicion maravillosa, puente hermoso!!


Grigoriy Linshits   {K:373} 11/28/2003
Excellent perspective...


ken krishnan   {K:19102} 11/28/2003
Excellent composition and angle of view. wonderful shot. well done.


Veríssimo Dias   {K:1531} 11/28/2003
Felicitações de novo, Jorge. Agrada-me o equilíbrio, a composição e a luz.

Um abraço

Veríssimo Dias


Mário Sousa   {K:16985} 11/28/2003
Merecido destaque, mas o autor é que sabe.


Akira Yamaguchi   {K:1163} 11/28/2003
Fantastic wide angle shot! Great composition.

Akira Yamaguchi


augusto mario cunha   {K:19049} 11/28/2003
Parabens pela justa homenagem que recebeu e obrigado pelos cumprimentos que me dirigiu, inclusive por considerar-me um fotografo português, que interpreto como um elogio.


c c c c   {K:13449} 11/28/2003
I find this pictures breathtaking! Excellent DOF--the bridge just keeps on going... I love the fact that the clouds keep on going too! Congratulations! Well deserved! Cheers! Charisse Czaja


A Brito   {K:10699} 11/28/2003
Belíssima e profunda composição !
Parabéns pela "Editor's Choice" !


Harry Eggens Harry Eggens   {K:14804} 11/28/2003
Excellent composition Jorge with wonderful lines, sky, light and beautiful perspective....Best regards Harry


Shiv Kumar Surya Shiv Kumar Surya   {K:17362} 11/28/2003


Muzaffer KURTOGLU   {K:4149} 11/7/2003
Good work.Sky effect very nice. Regards.


JL E JL E   {K:9693} 11/6/2003
excellent photo!.


Gustavo R Costa   {K:1833} 10/30/2003
Fotografia impressionante... cor, movimento. Liked this photo, keep up with the good work.


Diana Cornelissen   {K:26437} 9/2/2003
Excellent on all points Jorge! Congratulations on this editors choice today! I like the great composition you have made here and the blue colours! My best regards,


Ronny Van Eeckhoutte   {K:12734} 9/2/2003
oeps Jorge,forgot on 03/26 03 the rangking here.
Beautiful clear shot, with lovely colours, and the details are excellent.
Congratulations,Photographer of the Day.


Jorge Vasconcelos   {K:33746} 9/2/2003
A great hug of congratulations for you stunning photo,
Sometimes they discover there are great pictures !


CJ Kitts   {K:1607} 7/29/2003


Hayri CALISKAN   {K:16195} 7/29/2003
An excellent composed. Very well done.
Regards, Hayri.


George Marks   {K:15437} 7/29/2003
Such a wonderful photo. Thank you.


MEmar ME MEmar ME   {K:12566} 7/29/2003
Olá Jorge Jacinto:
Realmente, esta imagem merece as honras todos. Tenho observado outras boas perspectivas desta belíssima ponte, mas esta supera-as. Os meus sinceros parabéns por esta distinção, acredite que fico feliz por verificar que o trabalho das pessoas que eu admiro é apreciado e respeitado.
Um sorriso.


Amancio Couto   {K:15720} 7/29/2003
Meu caro Jorge,j a' cheguei tarde para te dar o meu voto a este magnifico disparo. Sem duvida alguma, EXCELLENT!!!
De qualquer forma, voce ja'ganhou e bem!...Parabens!


Sue O'S Sue O'S   {K:12878} 7/29/2003
It's all been said, but I'll add my "Very sweet image!" and a "Great job!"


Jorge Vasconcelos   {K:33746} 7/29/2003
Hi, JJ ,
I already has the pleasure to vote this nice bridge, mut located in the wrong place.But yoour work has nothing to do with my own wars.It is an excellent picture,well deserved honor.
Regards, mu portrait master,carago !


volker goerschen   {K:1634} 7/29/2003
Great shot, well composed!


Bahadir k Bahadir k   {K:8825} 7/29/2003
thats a superb composition with extremly perfect perspesctive,


Marcio Cabral   {K:12496} 7/29/2003
Excelente composição JJ!! Um abraço e parabéns!


Benedetto Riba Benedetto Riba   {K:15792} 7/29/2003
Hi Jorge, splendid photo, is a place that visited 2 years ago, very beautiful I have a great memory!!
Best regards


Steve Tapping   {K:-11} 7/5/2003
Great view.
There is also a pretty famous skate park on the other side of where you took this photo. I would love to get some shots there for a video project.
Great Work


Dave Deacon   {K:4053} 6/27/2003
Beautiful shot, sky and bridge. The compositino is very good.


Harlan Heald Harlan Heald   {K:15732} 6/27/2003
Superb composition/capture! Congratulations on being selected Editor's Choice. Well deserved!


Jose Rasquinho   {K:12128} 6/27/2003
Excelente trabalho Jorge!!!
Magnífico céu para uma grande composição.
Um abraço.


Lucas Macedo   {K:12843} 6/27/2003
Wonderful view, Jorge. Excelent perspective and composition, with great shapness/details of the bridge. The clouds also help a lot, with lines flowing perpendicular to the bridge! Ótimo trabalho! Abraços ..... Lucas
PS: Parabéns pelo Ëditor's Choice"!!


Todd Wedgworth Todd Wedgworth   {K:3433} 6/27/2003
nice shot, i like the different blues with the clouds. a very interesting bridge.


Nando Mondino   {K:14261} 6/27/2003
A great perspective!6,6,5,5,6!Regards!


Giuseppe Ciccia   {K:190} 6/27/2003
Beautiful image!


Charles Moses   {K:17} 6/27/2003
Excellent Work!


Giorgio Cardoni   {K:2191} 6/27/2003
photo of architecture day-dreams, beautiful perspective. You compliment Giorgio


gianna piano   {K:15530} 5/27/2003
it seems so irreal. Perfect composition.


Carole Bradford   {K:10715} 5/27/2003
Let me add my congrats on EC! Wonderful photo and perspective!


Francisco Menezes   {K:55} 5/27/2003
Um verdadeiro espetáulo! Parabéns, Jorge Jacinto.
Que Deus te abençoe ricamente.
Um abraço.


Robert Walls   {K:1728} 5/27/2003
This is a brilliant image. I particularly like the way the line in the cloud cross the bridge. How much time want into planning of this image? did you 'visualize' it and wait for the right day?


Fabio Cerati   {K:2068} 5/27/2003
Enquadramento, Jorge.


. .   {K:1787} 5/27/2003
Fantastic prospective and precision in this shot! best regards


Vincent Mo   {K:857} 5/27/2003
wow no wonder it's the editor's pick! =) I love the colors!


Maurilio Ultramari   {K:8200} 5/27/2003
Parabéns Jorge! É justissimo!


Paolo Quarantelli   {K:4130} 5/27/2003
Great perspective with beautiful composition and background. Bravissimo!


Luis Leonardo   {K:873} 5/27/2003
Grande perspectiva Jorge, o ceu tambem ajuda muito na foto. Parabens por este belo trabalho.


Pedro Beça Múrias   {K:2076} 5/27/2003
Muito bem escolhida. Merece a distinção. Parabéns!!!


Vitor Azinheira   {K:2338} 5/10/2003
Ola Jorge,comeco sempre pelas 1as fotos ok.
Fantastica foto,excelente exposicao e composicao,adorei este angulo.
Veja a minha galeria ok um abraco.


Rick Ferreira   {K:1453} 5/9/2003
Jorge, Amazing shot. I've traveled on this bridge twice on my way to Algarve and this photograph reminds me of just how long and beautiful this bridge is. Thank you!


michael faulkner   {K:327} 5/9/2003
gorgeous-- Mike


Jim Christensen   {K:18843} 5/1/2003
One heck of a good shot. Excellent perspective, colors and great. You have a great one here. jimc


William McKenna   {K:82} 5/1/2003
INCREDIBLE!!! I love the lines!!!


Antonio Martins   {K:401} 5/1/2003
Belissima composíção e equilibrio nas tonalidades.


Peter De Rycke Peter De Rycke   {K:41212} 5/1/2003
Amazing shot of a breathtaking engineering work !!


Marília Ferraz   {K:-4756} 5/1/2003
I knoew this bridge, but this is quite a unique angle.
Perfeita foto em tudo. Bem merecido o Editor's Choice.


Heidi Dehncke-Fisher   {K:504} 5/1/2003
Absolutely Fabulous


zosia zija zosia zija   {K:11106} 5/1/2003
very good composition.


LIM CH   {K:1605} 5/1/2003
Interesting pespective of a common object. The cloud and low angle of the bridge really add to the compostion.well done


Paulo Granadas   {K:1711} 5/1/2003
Excelente foto. A perpectiva está simplesmente perfeita.


David Hall   {K:66} 5/1/2003
Fantastic image - clouds look beautiful and dreamy, DOF on the winding bridge is very effective. Unbelievable bridge.


Maurilio Ultramari   {K:8200} 5/1/2003
Linda imagem Jorge. Perfect angle.


Anna Pagnacco   {K:7448} 5/1/2003
Congratulations on the choice.A photo with a very great perspective and an interesting background.Anna


MEmar ME MEmar ME   {K:12566} 5/1/2003
Olá Jorge Jacinto:
Quero dar-lhe os parabéns, por verificar que a sua foto foi uma das escolhidas e dizer-lhe que comunga da alegria e orgulho pelo reconhecimento de um grande fotógrafo. Bravo, Jorge, espero continuar a ver muitas fotos suas seleccionadas.
Um abraço de ME


Gregory McKnight   {K:543} 4/25/2003
Magnificent. How long is this bridge?


Luis Costa - Lucaz   {K:9205} 4/19/2003
Perfection is the name of photo!


Greg O'Conner   {K:2398} 4/12/2003
This is great!


Hermen Pen Hermen Pen   {K:9168} 4/10/2003
Great shot. The firm lines of the bridge form a very good contrast with the fluffy clouds.


Paul Fisher   {K:641} 4/5/2003
Spectacular photo!


lucio brando   {K:2295} 3/30/2003
excellent bye lucio


Ashok Chaudhary   {K:1728} 3/29/2003
Spectacular shot - great angle, DOF - & the clouds make it perfect


T Glow   {K:14955} 3/29/2003
que bela perspectiva, o céu estava especial! Abraço.


Marina Santos   {K:4} 3/29/2003
Maravilhosa esta sua foto...


Christian Barrette   {K:21125} 3/29/2003
Breathtaking view with a perfect moment in the sky to echo the pure lines,


Marco Brivio Marco Brivio   {K:14339} 3/29/2003
Great super-wideangle shot


A R   {K:427} 3/29/2003
Outstanding work. Well done.


Andre Cajot   {K:7793} 3/29/2003
Photo of the day 29-3-03. Congratulations.


Paulo Gama   {K:5067} 3/28/2003
Meu caro Jorge, this is a fantastic shot. Composition, light & contrast: all beautiful. Grande abraço, amigo.


Jorge Vasconcelos   {K:33746} 3/28/2003
Carago, Jorge ! You just arrived and smash everyone ?
I love this picture, it is so well done, so cute, so sharp,so professional, I had to forget my feelings about the bridge, the river, the town near the bridge, a broken soccer "was glorious" club and rate it as it deserves,Carago, I am fair !


Bart Aldrich   {K:7614} 3/28/2003
Very nice view; congrats on the EC!


Jordi Serra   {K:3818} 3/27/2003
Gran perspectiva y precioso cielo; excelente trabajo


Aiman Nassar   {K:11961} 3/26/2003
Congratulations. Great shot.



RAY CHARLES   {K:2731} 3/26/2003
Great prospective, nicley composed.


al shaikh   {K:15790} 3/26/2003
Great shot.


Hayri CALISKAN   {K:16195} 3/26/2003
Great angle of shot.Very well done.


Marco Grandi   {K:16680} 3/26/2003
Fantastic picture!Superb perspective and sky!Congrats.
Bye Marco.


Karen Johnson   {K:2951} 3/26/2003
What a fantastic shot Jorge, I love the way you can follow the bridge from the left of the image all the way across until it very slowly dissapears from view, excellent composition. Great colour and detail also.


ml D   {K:2787} 3/26/2003
Outstanding, breathtaking composition !!!! I'm amazed !!!


Rui Palha Rui Palha   {K:13624} 3/26/2003
Very good shot.


Roland Le Gall   {K:7018} 3/26/2003
Absolutely perfect.....great composition....very good use of wide angle....very sharp.....This bridge is gorgeous....!If you wish to see an other bridge, some less interesting pictures on the link...


Ronny Van Eeckhoutte   {K:12734} 3/26/2003
Great shot here.


Matt Davis Matt Davis   {K:3935} 3/26/2003
This is a fantastic bridge and you've certainly done it justice. Great perspective and simple colours.


Andre Cajot   {K:7793} 3/26/2003
I like the clouds crossing the bridge, the sharpnes in the foreground and the fog far away.


Rachelle Biggs   {K:628} 3/26/2003
Awesome shot, love the angle, too.


samantha marie   {K:378} 3/26/2003
I love everything about this photo. I love the colors, coposition, and the angle. Amazing.


Nando Mondino   {K:14261} 3/26/2003
Great sky and good composition!




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