John-Eric Lemieux
{K:3045} 6/6/2006
good light and Idea model look mad?
George Tam
{K:416} 6/5/2006
I agree with Miles's comment...tigher shot with better exposure...bring down the exposure, so the hair won't be blown out and use a reflector to light the face. You may also choose to expose for the hair and use a flash to light the face. Otherwise, a trade-off is inevitable. Either the face will be exposed correctly and the hair will be blown out or the the hair will be exposed correctly and the face will be too dark.
In terms of angle, the perspective gives the impression that the photographer had stumbled upon the subject. While she is an attractive model, the expression on her face is one of surprise or fear.
Miles Herbert
{K:1947} 6/4/2006
My first though was, "oh, she looks like she has just climbed through the window and fallen, hurting her ankle"... I'm pretty sure this was not the effect you were trying to acieve!
Looking again, I think the models expression really does neither her nor you any favours as she looks distinctly uncomfortable. Highlights on hair and leg are blown out, bringing the exposure down a little would have sorted that out, and made the whole picture a little more atmospheric. Personally I feel that there is also too much space around her, and though the stone walls/floor are nice, I feel that for my taste there is a little too much of it. The angle also feels a little strange, adding to the "fallen down" feeling I get.
Personally I feel that I would would prefer to see this much tighter in, with the correct exposure to avoid the hot spots and maybe using a reflector to light her face with some soft light where she is facing away from the window. I would also try to get her to look a little happier!
Sorry, just my personal thoughts...
Jeroen Wenting
{K:25317} 6/4/2006
As Melanie already said, the look on her face doesn't match the image. She looks frightened or angry, terrified almost.
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 6/4/2006
Nice pose, Phil, but her hair is blown out. Perhaps if there had been an assistant outside to filter some of the light falling directly on her hair.
Thanks for all your support, Phil; you're fantastic!
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 6/4/2006
Nice pose, Phil, but her hair is blown out.
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 6/4/2006
Very nice light and pose Phil! Pretty model! Hope Your well Phil! My best.................John
Melanie Reynolds
{K:9096} 6/4/2006
This is a very nice photograph. The composition is good as well as the lighting and tones, but the expression on the girl really throws me off. She looks angry or something and it doesn't seem to go along with the mood of the "scene".
Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 6/4/2006
Very alluring photograph, especially the face of the model. Nice lighting control, hard to do with such bright light coming in to the shaded room.
Best, Dave