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If You Go Down...
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Image Title:  If You Go Down...
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 By: Andre Denis  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Andre Denis  Andre Denis {Karma:66407}
Project #43 Unusual Vision Camera Model Fuji S 5000
Categories Still Life
Film Format Digital JPEG Norm
Portfolio Close To Home
Still Life
The Darker Side
Lens Fujinon
Uploaded 6/3/2006 Film / Memory Type XD Card
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 1079 Shutter 1/125
Favorites Aperture f/4.0
Critiques 26 Rating
/ 0 Ratings
Location City -  Near Toronto
State -  ONTARIO
Country - Canada   Canada
About If you go down to the woods today
You'd better not go alone.
It's lovely down in the woods today
But safer to stay at home.

For ev'ry bear that ever there was
Will gather there for certain, because
Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic.

The slightly creepy 5th and 6th verses from Jimmy Kennedy's lyrics of "The Teddy Bear's Picnic"

I have a feeling this image is one that could have a few interpretations, ranging from cute and cuddly to eerie and forboding?

Technically, I like the sidelighting of the bear against the tree and especially the effect of the DOF on the leaves on the forest floor.

The image was in colour, converted to B&W for levelling and other adjustments, then back to RGB for some additional colour toning.
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There are 26 Comments in 1 Pages
Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 6/28/2006
Hi Phillip,
As I suspected, people are seeing this one many different ways.... I like that about an image. It gets people thinking.


Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 6/28/2006
A wonderful image, Andre!

I love your comments in the 'About' section. When I read the lines to the song, I suddenly realised, after hearing it many times, that it could be a little threatening or spooky! I am now viewing this image in an entirely different way!!! LOL

Well done!




Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 6/27/2006
Hi Joanna,
Thanks for visiting and for commenting on this image.
I'm glad you see it as sad, but nice :)


Joanna *   {K:866} 6/24/2006
Hello! Sad but nice foto. I think that colour is well-chosen. :)


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 6/11/2006
Thanks Thilo,
I don't think I'll ever stop exploring that dark side in photography :)


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 6/9/2006
Hi Andre,

great unusual vision, and it's great to see that you are still exploring the dark side =)

I like the idea behind it, and I have some very dark visions here.



Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 6/9/2006
Hi Ray,
You were wrong about poor Teddy... I didn't pose him there. He was set up by someone else by the side of the trail. I think some little kid must have lost him while on a hike with their parents and someone else just placed him by the trail, hoping he would be picked up again. I left him there after I took a few shots. We came back a few days later and the poor guy had been ripped to shreds. Probably a Racoon. There was Teddy bear stuffing all over the place. Somewhere not far away there was a greedy Racoon with a bad stomach ache. :)
Thanks for visiting... I know you will catch up eventually. :)


stingRay pt.4 . stingRay pt.4 .   {K:250401} 6/8/2006
An excellent idea and beautifully accompanied by those famous words. I am in total agreement with your own findings Andre...the side lighting looks great, pof and dof are spot on and the mono tones add just a sense of forbidding about visiting the woods......I don't feel sad about Teddie's position 'cos I just know that you picked him up, dusted him down and took him back home again. Great creativity Andre and a typical, thoughtful composition of yours.

As you know I am lightyears behind in commenting and I am making my way round friends' recent works with the hopes that I can re-visit your earlier, missed work at a later date when time permits and I catch up on all matters. 'See' you again soon my dear friend. My very best wishes to you as always......Ray


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 6/7/2006
Hi Rina,
I agree, sadness is almost always evoked in this kind of image. Nothing more pathetic than an abandoned Teddy Bear :(


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 6/7/2006
Very funny Kes! I think they do...

The day that I took this photo, there was a second stuffed animal (dirty old stuffed dinosaur) laying down on the trail. I picked it up and posed it on a log and took some shots of it. One is also on Usefilm "Tyrannasaurus Wrecks" This bear was the second of the day found on the trail. He was already in this position when I found him. I have no idea how they got there really. It seems to be a common thing in the woods for some reason. Last year I found a small stuffed elf :)
Thanks for all the great comments on the image.


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 6/7/2006
Thanks Susie,
I also think the negative space where the leaves are is a pretty important part of this image. I'm pleased to be getting a lot of good response on this one.


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 6/7/2006
Thanks Dave,
I'm very pleased with the reaction to this image.


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 6/7/2006
Hi Andrzej,
I got a few pretty good shots last Sunday while in the kayak. I'm sure you will have some time for photography while you are in the UK and Poland, rain or shine!


Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 6/6/2006
Yup, read through the comments and agree with pretty much all the feedback so far. One mood/feeling that hasn't been mentioned though, is sadness. A much loved toy abandoned in the woods evokes mental images of a child somewhere pining away for the lost toy.

Ok, now I've done it. Excuse me, I've just gotta go grab a kleenex...


Nelson Moore [Kes] -  Nelson Moore [Kes] -     {K:20241} 6/5/2006
Hi Andre! Well, this effectively answers the question, "Do bears sit in the woods?"

This photo makes me want turn around and take a good look behind me! If I came upon it on a trail I would probably just start running the other way...screaming at that, I suppose.

Obviously this toy is out of place, but the exposure/lighting on the front of the bear & contrasts within the leaves lend to the creepiness here. Oh! Just had the thought that the leaves should be crunching with the footsteps of whoever put this here!



Susie OConnor Susie OConnor   {K:34798} 6/5/2006
I love the toning here Andre...very nice! Your composition and the space on the right work perfectly. This does really jump out from the thumbnail, a very intriguing shot.


Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 6/4/2006
You're right, Andre, the toning does give a little different viewpoint to this shot! Could be eerie, depressing or any number of things depending on the viewer's mood. Well composed and rendered!


Andrzej Pradzynski Andrzej Pradzynski   {K:22541} 6/4/2006
Andre, I'm sure you'll get good fishing and plenty nice shots from Kaszuby, we'll be going there first week of September, but maybe earlier during summer too. Now I'm packing for the trip to Europe (UK and Poland) and I hope to get nice sun there for a couple good shots.
Have a good time on your cottage, Cheers, n.j


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 6/4/2006
Thanks so much for your enthusiastic comment Janet!
The original image is in nice bright colour version that would have gotten a few "Oh isn't that cute!" responses. But what I wanted to do was try and give it a little edge without getting too over the top.
I'm glad you see it working that way :)

BTW This teddy bear really was sitting there in the woods like that beside the trail. It may have been dropped from a baby stroller and picked up and set there. A few days later, it had been ripped to shreds, probably by racoons?



Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 6/4/2006
Hi Andrzej,
I think the song can also be interpreted as being a little surrealistic as well, even though it was probably never the intention of the author.

BTW we are going up to the cottage tomorrow for some kayaking and a little fishing (near Barry's Bay) Maybe the light will be good for a few shots?


Janet B Janet B   {K:16139} 6/4/2006
Okay, Andre..... I honestly took a good look at this before I read your about....and I thought the EXACT same thing you wrote....well, he could mean it as 'cute' but it could be so creepy as well!! I actually almost feel like somebody now!! I 'get' it! :) are & composition is perfect! but this image is all about interpretation!


Andrzej Pradzynski Andrzej Pradzynski   {K:22541} 6/4/2006
Andre, it's very surrealistic view, but the same time it's a nice illustration to the song. As often other interpretations are coming, and you'll see many new in your mailbox so I'm passing on my further comments after saying that the picture is nice and well done. Cheers, n.j


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 6/4/2006
Thank you Hugo,

You have a very nice way of composing your comments. I appreciate the time and thought you put into them.

I like your statement about thinking about ways to improve the image, but couldn't think of any worth mentioning because they are mostly subjective and dependent on personal style.

I think a lot of us would do well to remember that when critiquing, myself included.

I sometimes find myself being a little too nit-picky in my comments just for the sake of having something to say. It's not a good habit to get into, and it isn't really a useful critique to pick on a couple of minor details.

Thanks again,


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 6/3/2006
ROFL! Love that tune - so "old fashioned".... Good illustration. It sure is a mix between cute and cuddly to eerie and forboding... I'd add damp and unconfortable, not the best day to go down in the woods today...:)

Full marks for the thought behind this, and it is a very good shot; I can only agree to the points you like about it, and it sure stands out in the thumbnails. Just thinking what can be done to improve this photo, but can't think of any that are worth mentioning, all subjective and dependant on personal style, and I do think this fits perfectly with yours (from what I've seen on UF....) Good work!




Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 6/3/2006
Thanks Selami,
Thanks for the comment and thanks for visiting my portfolio.


selami Torun   {K:9397} 6/3/2006
very great shot!!! very nice tones & lighting!!! beautiful contrast and detail! Congratulations!
Best regards




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