{K:177} 4/2/2003
Superbes détails très nets, magnifique
Aiman Nassar
{K:11961} 3/31/2003
Great image, love your creative eye, colors, composition, every thing actually... very well seen.
Helena Gomes
{K:389} 3/28/2003
Jorge Jacinto
{K:4372} 3/26/2003
Good !!! Sodade di Cabo Verde !
ml D
{K:2787} 3/23/2003
On voit bien là un oeil averti et expert ! Excellent framing on this close-up of a prow !
Trevor Tollefsbol
{K:2458} 3/22/2003
I love these old boats. This has beautiful color. I like the short DOF. Nicely done!
Marco Grandi
{K:16680} 3/22/2003
Hi,Roland. I send the original picture :Field , now,to make your considerations of the sky...:-) Sorry for my bud english.. Bye Marco.
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte
{K:12734} 3/22/2003
Simple and beautiful composition .
Andre Cajot
{K:7793} 3/22/2003
Détail bien choisi et mis en évidence.
{K:1528} 3/22/2003
Beautiful colors and texture. Excellent use of Dept of field to isolate the main subject.
Marco Grandi
{K:16680} 3/22/2003
Nice detail,Roland.Good angle. Bye Marco.
{K:535} 3/22/2003
I love these kinds of photos and this shows such detail. Good work.