ali ikizkaya
{K:11418} 5/20/2008
Dear Cathy! Its so heart warm story. She and all kittens are so cute, sweety. I can hear the voice of kittens while searching an empty teat. According my experiences kitten adult dog relationship works well. But puppy adult cat relation ship is approximately impossible. I like so much the cats. But we must accept that the cats are egoiste. And the dogs are the wonderful creatures of GOD as a fidelity statue. Warm Regards. Big kisses for your respectful dog and for your cat. ALI
Alain Mijngheer
{K:11733} 1/9/2007
This one made me smile, so sweet indeed. Another wonderfull moment captured! Grtz,
bill smith
{K:5416} 10/3/2006
WOW how cool. I love this shot Cathy. I'm a sucker for dogs and baby critters. You captured a very special moment here,Congrats!!! Listen thanks for your kind words about my deer photo too. Bill
roger bourland
{K:2762} 9/13/2006
this so special what a wonderful dog congrats
elizabeth Blair
{K:2202} 8/19/2006
What a brilliant pic!! You can see in the picture the care and love that she has for those kittens... she took over the role and did it with love!! What a great thing to have as a picture but also as a visual memory!! :)
Mary Slade
{K:40338} 8/13/2006
Amazing to have got this! So beautiful and so happy!
T. o
{K:-60} 8/12/2006
Impresive. Onest. Very nice!
andree lerat
{K:17476} 7/9/2006
Thank you Carroll. This is such a heart warming story. More proof that animals are not so different from us. I remember when I was in college, I wanted a friend for my dog, Tara, to keep her company while I was in school. I got a tiny black kitten from the shelter. I came home not long after and found Tara walking around with the kitten hanging lamp for her jaws. Imagine my horror... until she look at me and gently put him down and he just playfully walked away. :) Thanks for sharing my friend. Cheers, Andree
Cathy Carroll
{K:28144} 7/8/2006
Dear Andree, The kittens' mum Lily died when they were 4 days old, probably snake bite. The dog Maggie & Lily were good friends. When Lily became pregnant Maggie had a "Phantom Pregnancy". When the kittens were born Maggie collected stuffed toys & put them in a pile at our bedroom door, & began producing milk. We showed her the kittens & she fed them immediately. To carry them around she scooped them up in her mouth so that only a tiny tail stuck out. The first time I saw that I nearly had a heart attack! Cathy
andree lerat
{K:17476} 7/7/2006
This is an amazing shot. What happened to the mom of the kittens? Andree
Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 7/2/2006
sweet! lovely shot
Angela Brocklesby Sattler
{K:1017} 7/1/2006
Beautiful Cathy! So nice to see the image that goes with the story.
Todd Weeks
{K:7636} 6/30/2006
Hi Cathy,
I love this shot. The maternal instinct is never far from the surface. Well done!
I like your portfolio. You have a great eye.
Thanks for visiting my pics and leaving a comment for me.
Cathy Carroll
{K:28144} 6/28/2006
These kittens are now 2 and a half years old and still have their "nightcap" from their surrogate mum every evening! She's still producing milk. Cathy
Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 6/28/2006
Animals are so very cool. Great capture!
Best wishes, Dave
anabella damian
{K:416} 6/6/2006
Oh my God how gentle she takes care of the little ones...In my opinion this is a very emotional picture as those you can only see on Animal Planet... excellent picture, love it.
John Nobody
{K:4914} 6/1/2006
Ops, wrong mather! Very cute, congrats. My best regards.
Riccardo De Matteis
{K:1485} 5/29/2006
oh... so cute!
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 5/29/2006
Wow Cathy . . . unique capture! I'd be afraid he'd be thinking "Hmmmm, Hor d'ovres".... :)
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~