Leo Régnier Я£
{K:67696} 8/11/2006
STUNNIG!!!! GREAT!!!! Very well seen and done my friend!!! Leo
Phillip Minnis
{K:13131} 6/17/2006
A simple, yet very effective image, Maurizio! Wonderful!
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 5/28/2006
Fantastic shot!!!! Jeanette
ricardo longhi-frantz
{K:9628} 5/22/2006
lovely abstract! powerful lines with great effect! the sharp focus is not that important to this kind of shot, for me the blurred focus adds a nice velvet texture to the image. cheers!
Maurizio Massetti
{K:30463} 5/22/2006
Thank you, Hugo.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 5/22/2006
Hi Maurizio,
Excellent strong lines in this shot, and the combination with the high contrast is very good. The image looks a bit soft on the focus, though. Is that the reason why you converted this to B&W? (I know I always try that, but try to stay away from the need to...;))
Also, the composition is quite powerful, with the emptiness of the Italian landscape dominating the top left quadrant. Good choice!
João F * Photography
{K:41945} 5/20/2006
Iyt´s an great work my dear friend maurizio !! jo
Branimir Fagarazzi
{K:38367} 5/20/2006
Excellent shot.Nice motive
Dino Lupani
{K:15142} 5/19/2006
Al di là della nitidezza...è una splendida composizione!! Ciao
Maurizio Massetti
{K:30463} 5/19/2006
La nitidezza scarsa e' dovuta alla mia... incompetenza col nuovo Sigma 70-300. Questa e' stata la terza, quarta foto che ci ho fatto, e riconosco di doverci ancora prendere confidenza...
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 5/19/2006
Bel grafismo naturale, personalmente avrei tagliato la parte alta perchè troppo vuota. Come mai così poco nitida? Ciao, Max