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the Sound Barrier
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Image Title:  the Sound Barrier
Favorites: 1 
 By: Mohammad Porooshani  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Mohammad Porooshani  Mohammad Porooshani {Karma:20765}
Project #40 Street Photography Camera Model Nikon D50
Categories Street
Film Format Digital JPEG High
Portfolio Colors
Lens Nikon 18-55 AF-S G ED
Uploaded 5/9/2006 Film / Memory Type n/a
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 593 Shutter 1/60
Favorites Aperture f/8.0
Critiques 33 Rating
/ 1 Ratings
Location City -  Tehran
State -  TEHRAN
Country - Iran   Iran
About Look at this, what we are doing?
I wanted to say lots of things about it, but I will just write a piece of poem instead:
... I want you
To be free of all the pain
You have inside
You cannot hide
I know you tried
To be who you couldn't be
You tried to see inside of me...
("Parisienne Moonlight" by Anathema).
Maybe someday, someone break this Sound Barrier to let spring go inside.
Think about it.
No color Manipulation it's the original Color.
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There are 33 Comments in 1 Pages
Avi  Avi     {K:70138} 5/29/2006
They say that 'Face is the mirror of the mind'. I don't agree.. I say, 'EYES form the mirror of the mind' !!!

Thanx for agreeing with me, dost !!


Leo Régnier  Я£ Leo Régnier  Я£   {K:67696} 5/23/2006
GREAT ABSTRACT my friend!!!


Mohammad Aslefallah Mohammad Aslefallah   {K:1725} 5/20/2006
congratulation for new camera and this shot


Mohammad Porooshani Mohammad Porooshani   {K:20765} 5/17/2006
Oh, this one is my favorite indeed,
I love it regardless of what I have heard about it,
Thanks for attention,
My very bests,


Mary Slade   {K:40338} 5/17/2006
This image really is striking Mohammed and I love words. The two go together so well here. So powerfully sad. Like pain inside that won't shift. But I cannot help noticing it is a warm positive colour like the seasons that will change.


Mohammad Porooshani Mohammad Porooshani   {K:20765} 5/15/2006
Thanks Jennifer, I'm happy you like my works


Jennifer S Jennifer S   {K:2363} 5/15/2006
Hi Mohammad,
You've depicted a lovely detailed image & the theme with the title is great with brillant concept & natural colours.
Let's break barriers!!


Mohammad Porooshani Mohammad Porooshani   {K:20765} 5/13/2006
Hi Nafise, No I did not use any filter in this image or any of my works till now, as I wrote it in the 'About' no color manipulation had been made on this image.
I'm so so happy you like it,


nafise zakeri nafise zakeri   {K:231} 5/13/2006
vaghean tabrik migam,kare besyar jaleb va khobiye,makhsosan az lahaze mafhomiiiiii,
az fekri ke dar paseshe vaghean lezat bordam,
rasti ro in filter ghemez endakhtin?
ba arezooye movafaghiyat!


Mohammad Porooshani Mohammad Porooshani   {K:20765} 5/11/2006
Thanks Andree, I'm happy you like it,


Mohammad Porooshani Mohammad Porooshani   {K:20765} 5/11/2006
Well thank you dear Ray, you know, each time I take a shot, I think about it's description first, maybe I take the shot after composing it's About text. I'm happy that I'm through with all sadness that surrounds me like haze, and I feel so much freedom, in my emotions. I feel pretty good I swear but, no money or artistically pleasures or fame or anything else in the world, won't be in her place at all, but I adopt my situation and I'm getting better day by day.
Thanks for your nice words and It's OK about delays, I'm working at night these days (my university's works are very much these days), so, I know what you say, I want to know your opinion, sooner or later,
Take care,
My bests,


andree lerat andree lerat   {K:17476} 5/11/2006
Great shot. Love the title and your thought proccess about the subject. But don't be sad...:) Andree


stingRay pt.4 . stingRay pt.4 .   {K:250401} 5/11/2006
Beautiful words in your 'about' my dear Mohammad and a very symbolic composition. The colour tone is unusual and the structure a great puzzle. Having said that the shot fits in with the poetry accompanying it. I am glad to read that you are happy despite the sadness of the words. We must always move on from that which becomes broken, we must always break free from the past and not remain trapped within it's emotions. Well done to you my dear good friend. I am so sorry to be late commentating but my unusual work hours upset the balance to my pleasures. My very best wishes to you as always......Ray


Mohammad Porooshani Mohammad Porooshani   {K:20765} 5/10/2006
Thanks Fatemeh, yeah I love "are you there?" too but my best is "Fragile Dreams" (this song resembles my current life)! very good idea about title Mirage.
I'm happy you like it,


Mohammad Porooshani Mohammad Porooshani   {K:20765} 5/10/2006
Thank you Reza.


Mohammad Porooshani Mohammad Porooshani   {K:20765} 5/10/2006
Thank you Anne, I'm happy you like it.


Mohammad Porooshani Mohammad Porooshani   {K:20765} 5/10/2006
Thank you Mr. Alaei, I'm glad you like it,


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 5/10/2006
it's interesting! i love the Anathema too, this song, one last goodbye and Are you there? but about the photo, it's my photo of the day! the title is interesting and so creative, but if i were you i'd named it Mirage!
i can get what you mean! bravo Mohammad for your deep thought! bravo!


Reza Rabbani   {K:1548} 5/10/2006
Beautiful and attractive colors. Nice composition,


Anne Grindle   {K:842} 5/10/2006
I love the symetry of this photo


Kiarang Alaei Kiarang Alaei   {K:49415} 5/9/2006
Interesting shot;
harmony of lines and patterns.
showes some hopless.
thanks for share...


Mohammad Porooshani Mohammad Porooshani   {K:20765} 5/9/2006
Thank you Alison,
don't worry arbout delays, it's OK,
It's very cool being in a show and I wish I could attend (but I'm a Little far from you!)
Wish you luck in the show,


Alison DuFlon Alison DuFlon   {K:36566} 5/9/2006
I like your interpretation of this shot Mohammad, wonderful textures and colors. Thank's for your comments, i was buisy getting photos together for a show. Alison


Mohammad Porooshani Mohammad Porooshani   {K:20765} 5/9/2006
Thank you Dear Mosen


Mohammad Porooshani Mohammad Porooshani   {K:20765} 5/9/2006
Thank you Kemal


mosi mmm mosi mmm   {K:7} 5/9/2006
nice color... i love it


k o                            c (saatci)  k o c (saatci)    {K:8257} 5/9/2006
Very good work... very beautiful colors and tones...

Best regards...


Mohammad Porooshani Mohammad Porooshani   {K:20765} 5/9/2006
Thanks txules for attention.


txules                                . txules  .   {K:62768} 5/9/2006
an excellent barrier shot; love the gradient of color and the minimalism on this, good capture Mohammad...txules


Mohammad Porooshani Mohammad Porooshani   {K:20765} 5/9/2006
Thank you Romy


Romy Fabian Garmaz   {K:17105} 5/9/2006
A great abstract shot.
excellent tones and texture


Mohammad Porooshani Mohammad Porooshani   {K:20765} 5/9/2006
Well, thank you Kambiz,
I'm happy I have your comment here,
and about your comment, you know, I lost my love 3 month ago (and so I have no girl friend right now), but I feel pretty good these days as I dedicate my self to Photography not only for enjoy but also for passion, I replace many of my feelings with love to photography.
I will go to Desert soon for chill out my mood,
Thanks for your attention,
My bests for you,


Kambiz K Kambiz K   {K:37420} 5/9/2006
From your poem, I feel that you are depressed little bit, either get a cold Coors beer (maol Shaeer) or take a short trip with your girl friend up north, near to the Capian sea or stop taking pictures for a while.




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