Virginia Howard
{K:342} 1/12/2008
Hello Hugo, First reaction, I could sense exactly where you were, just at a glance. I will never tire of the eastern side of the Sierras. I call it a hard place to love, but once you love it, you love it forever. For those who have never been there, your landscape presents the vastness of the place and the subtle changes this area provides. Virginia
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 1/12/2008
Hallo Hugo Kwam deze vanmorgen tegen op Homepage Een mooi vierluik Ik maak tegenwoordig ook zo af en toe en collage met Studio DTP. een mooi programma daarvoor De moeilijkheid is altijd om evenwicht in e.a te krijgen verder om zoveel mogelijk de zelfde belichting te handteren.
Als ik dan wat evenwicht in jou foto,s zou geven met een wat logische volgorde : 3,2,1,4 Maar blijf zitten met de verschillen in belichting
Sorry, het is weer in het Nederlands
Gr Teunis
Brenda Guiles
{K:6128} 11/24/2006
Wow ok, first impressions, I am not wild about this collage at all, however these images fit very well into the topic of travel. The third image from the left is your strongest image here and I do like it very much, the other images are something I would have to sit and contemplate, but first impressions almost always stick with me. I am not sure what a lensbaby is, but I am also not sure that I like the effects of it either. Your elements collage in my opinion is much, much stronger. I personally prefer a more polished look, if that makes any sense? :)
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 8/7/2006
Hi Everybody,
I'd like to thank you VERY much for your imput and suggestions, they've been more than helpful! This is how the series ended up after reading over the critiques a few months. The story might continue...
My visualisation of WILD |
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 5/30/2006
Hi Ursula, quite right, it's about feelings and interpretations....:) Thanks again!
Ursula Luschnig
{K:21723} 5/27/2006
Hi Hugo, the use of a lensbaby is perfect for me ,it shows so well the vague aspects/points of travelling ! My favourite is the dizziemaking 4. picture...but all are wonderful...nothing to improve imho.I think I prefer this combination,but I can't explain why ...is more a thing of feelings.. Cheers,Ursula
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 5/16/2006
Hi Hugo,
I like this part of the series as well, as it shows more "organic" pictures in a row with a clear definition of foreground and sky part. What I'm not so sure about is the mixture of lens babys enhanced pics (or at least altered ones) with standard ones. nevertheless, the concept of showing endless roads in a row is quite a pleasing idea.
best wishes, Thilo
Ron Wilson
{K:18362} 5/12/2006
Howdy Hugo a very though provoking request to say the least. I'm at work right now so you are going to get my least artistic interpretation which I'm sure that even in a negative way has some value. My 1st impression is of a cross country Road Trip. Tom Green style. I can't really come to grips with the Wilderness or Adventure slants to these pics. While I think of a road trip as an adventure in itself none of the pics send me to adventureland. I need a stronger image for that. Saying that the images fit the theme of a road trip-yes, wilderness/adventure/ no sorry. As far as the order is concerned I see a Begining, On the Raod (because you included the car), a long way to go and a turning round (curve) or again theme. I know that may be to simple but I'm at work...it is Black and White here. I don't see the 4th image fitting well. I guess I see it as an impedment to my progress to continue on to the end. Perhaps it is my fear of having to start over or my fear of never reaching an end. Title it Road Trip, or On the Road Again. To improve it , in view of your desired theme of wildernes/adventure, I would include an image that has more than a road theme. Tell me where the road has taken me...even if it is to the new World's Largest Roller Coaster. Wow that is really depressing. I guess that I need to know where we end up. I've been told it's not the destination but the journey that is important but I;ve always been a "where are we going kind on guy". Thanks for the break. Regards Ron.
Meldijana Omerbegovic
{K:4079} 5/11/2006
Hello Hugo, Quite interesting title ..vs does it mean versus or verosimiliter...very nice photos of a long journey through beautiful but not always friendly landscapes...I wonder if there are any sources of water..probably yes..in some places. Kind regards
N.R. Miller
{K:946} 5/9/2006
This is good Hugo, but I like "The Elements" better. (And I understood the first 'fire' shot immediately, don't listen to anyone else!).
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 5/8/2006
Hi Lubi,
Sorry for the late reply, and thanks for the feedback. I agree the sign is a pretty important element here; I thought of combining four images with signs, but decided against that because I wanted to introduce a larger variety of photos.
I really enjoy reading your thoughts, and it took me sometime to fully understand the concept you see in this installment.
As to the car, i think it's as important to the scene as the other elements; as I see it as the embodiment of a safe haven; the sole familiar thing in the middle of nature which is beyond control. I do see what you mean, in a way it's also the odd one out.
In one of the alternative versions I've changed the third image for a more curvy road, which I do believe works better, I'd like to hear your thoughts on that one...:)
Thanks again, really appreciate the feedback, it's been a tremendous help. I'll have to go over the sequence one more time to derive the final selection and do the final postprocessing. This has been a great episode of very constructive feedback and help - also thanks to you!
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 5/8/2006
Hi Mike,
Thanks for the feedback; I agree with you that it's very difficult to visualise a thought process with a series of photos, yet I find it a stimulating process, triggering all sorts of other ideas, and that's a very useful side effect.
The idea of juxtaposing NYC with Death Valley is definitely food for thought, I haven't been able to put that idea aside, and it kept my mind spinning for quite some time now. Any moment the visualisation on how to go about it will hit me... Expect to see it within the next month or so...:)
I think there are already a few common elements in this series; the road (man made), the sky, the desert (nature), and the technical aspects of the lensbaby which has gotten stronger IMO with the alternate versions based on the feedback I've received. In one shot? Perhaps, but the requirements specifically state it needs to be composed of four individual photos.
Thanks again,
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 5/8/2006
Hi Chitra, I'm really enjoying this discussion too; and it's not so much facilitating it, but also the help I've received. I really think this series has evolved tremendously.
I think the change of the first image is also an imporvement, especially in combination with the curve sign in the fourth.
As to the tones, and my initial remark about them, I think I should nuancate it a bit. When shooting digital, toning an image has become a purpose in stead of a tool, and is IMHO, widely misused to force an atmosphere onto an otherwise perfectly good image. I think that does more damage to it than otherwise. That doesn't mean, however, that toning an image is always bad; it's the same as with shooting B&W or MF the old fashioned way; the photographer needs to keep it into account and pick out the subjects and composition accordingly. If applied propperly, a toned image can have a tremendous power. I've looked more thoroughly at your images, and I'd say they fall in the last category.
Thanks for aking the time to fiddle around with the tones; I had to open both of them in PS to really notice a difference; Very subtle change, but I think I see what you mean. Next step is to work on the individual images, and I'm ready to start printing them...:)
Thanks again for the time, feedback and help!
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 5/8/2006
At times, an analytical approach, such as setting out with a fixed plan, or using a mind map also works restricting, it takes away the fresh, "spur-of-the-moment" type of approach, but I find it rather useful at times, and it does open the way to try out new things, and find new ideas and visualise them.
Thanks for the feedback, very much appreciated. The lensbaby sure is a matter of taste...:) I like the "road adventure" suggestion, I'll definitely keep that in mind - thanks (again)
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 5/8/2006
Excellent docummentary Hugo! Great work! Roberto.
garibe ashena
{K:511} 5/6/2006
tank you
garibe ashena
{K:511} 5/6/2006
tank u
Michael Kanemoto
{K:22115} 5/5/2006
From left to right - 1 and 3 are the strongest.
Makes for an interesting story, but I think that all of the thought processes lead to an interesting story but difficult to arrive to with a series of photographs.
The link between transportation and the desert is inevitable with these shots. The road and it's place on the land are part of the core story, as well as signs and the vechicle. The sense of motion is carried through the lensbaby.
As you know - a whole national park gives you the opportunity to really juxtapose images much more fully - complete desert or wildlife, perhaps a shot of trash and the impact on the evironment. I would like to see some of your NYC images juxtaposed against death valley.
I'm wondering if you can find common compositions, maybe the forms or light and dark are so close to each other that when set side by side what is "nature" and "man made" become on the compositional scale the same, but all the objects are natural in one shot and man made in the other?
Chitra T
{K:797} 5/5/2006
Hugo, I am very glad you found my comment useful. After I put my response, I read others' thoughts and interpretations and your other explanations and really appreciate you facilitating this interesting discussion. I find the image that you have now for the first spot, perfect!! a much better fit than the one you had earlier and best of all, it still retains that element of unknown (around the corner) and I think this one also adds that 'wild' element more. Although the lighting situation is different in this (I understand it would be very hard to keep that consistent after I read how you shot them). It doesn't bother me, but rather adds some variety. It matches the tones better too. Now given the tones in the series, the original third spot also would've looked good, it's a tough call but the predominance of curves, the 'wild' element makes the present one a better choice. The original third shot is so quintessentially 'death valley...' long straight roads going forever brought back memories of my visit to death valley a while ago (didn't even have a camera then). I understand that you don't like to mess with tones much. I've uploaded a slight variant of tones. I've done it a bit crudely just for illustration. I used 'variations'(fine). In my version the first one has a little more yellow and darker, the third one a little more yellow and the last one a little darker and more blue (I think yours is more cyan). Please take it with a pich of salt as my new monitor is still not calibrated :-) I had to make it even smaller for it to be uploaded so I am not sure if my point has come across.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 5/5/2006
Garibe, See http://www.usefilm.com/FAQ/index.asp?CATE=0#60.
There's a forum for such questions, too, and you can always post your questions there.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 5/5/2006
Hi Chitra,
Once again thanks a lot for the elaborate feedback, extremely helpful!
First of all, it's great to read that your first impression was completely unbiased and not influenced by my mindmap, think there's a pretty good match between your perception and what I had / have in mind. Maybe except for the "Wild" part of it. I tried to create the reference to one of the most extreme places on earth, Death Valley, but I agree, that's rather difficult to pick out.
I'm starting to believe the curvy road is a better choice, too. At first, I figured the straight, seemingly endless road was the embodyment of an unknown destiny, and it's the shortest route between two points, but the connection with "life" is stronger in the curvy one, I believe.
On to the first image, I think I have an alternative that might have a better fit; see attached image. I had my doubts about it, but included it into all versions, as you're the first to really pick that one out. Maxime did too, I believe, and it's out of focus...
As to the postprocessing, I agree too. My idea with the first one was to alternate a predominant blue hue with the more yellow ones of the car and the sign. You have a point that it might be stronger if I'd match the colours; could even tweak it to a point where the "wild" element is represented by the toning. Having said that, I'm usually not a big fan of toned images, and tend to leave them pretty much untouched (generally speaking)
In the attached image, I replaced the first one, left the second, kept the curvy road, and used the curve sign. I might use the Rough narrow road sign in the fourth image in the final series, still have to figure that one out. I rather like the suggestion of the loop back to the first image in the curve sign, though. I did also apply a slight colour tweak. As I've been working on the already uploaded JPEG, the image quality might've deteriorated. Is the first one any closer to what you had in mind?
The "two to follow" will be completely different installments on the same theme; I'm narrowing down the first selection of the second series this weekend, I hope...
Thanks again, I think this is one of the prime values UF has to offer... the very constructive feedback!
Alternative no.3 |
garibe ashena
{K:511} 5/5/2006
No I don't
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 5/5/2006
I don't know, did you look in the FAQ?
garibe ashena
{K:511} 5/5/2006
ok thats right tank for comment but not shw mp pic . show error what is it?
Lubi Star
{K:3903} 5/5/2006
Hi Hugo
First of all I have to congratulate you for the whole concept of depicting a journey in the wild and yet transcend at a higher level towards an inner soul searching experience
as such, the choice of long roads traveling trough empty landscapes towards an infinite end holds a strong symbolism
The use of partial blur increases the feel of searching
only when something isnt clear, one tries to clarify it and put effort in it
my personal opinion is that the first and last image work better towards that direction
especially the latter due to the incorporated sign has another message
the urge to make a turn in the course of things
maybe sometimes when everything else is unclear a radical turn or another point of view may give the solutions needed
the car appearing in the second pic impo somehow detracts from the overall magic of the journey
too much technology? Too restricting by showing the medium of transportation? I can“t quite put my finger on it
As for the 3rd, think is too clear
too obvious despite the good framing of the landscape
Still the overall result conveys the message and even more
Best regards
1301307 60
{K:44058} 5/5/2006
I just read Chitras comment and I have same thoughts, she expressed it well... I agree with all...
1301307 60
{K:44058} 5/5/2006
Just looking at the map of thoughts you have done i find it very profound, well as a photographer you really have a plan of your intentions and how to go about it, I think it is because of being a businessman and an artist at the same time. I find all the four images here fits the adventure and travel theme, they are all well done considering it was taken from the vehicle. I can feel the mood of road traveling with these images mainly because it was taken from the point of view from the vehicle, very good idea. In terms of technicality, I have not much to say, I see them exposed and presented very well. The use of the lensbaby on some of the images is a matter of preference and i don't see any negative result from it, meaning its not over done, just enough to give the preferred result. My title would be "On the Road" or "Road adventure". best regards...
Romy Fabian Garmaz
{K:17105} 5/5/2006
Hugo A great serie and title. 7+++ congrats Romy
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 5/4/2006
Hi Chitra,
Being a newbie has nothing to do with it, and your feedback is not only very much appreciated, but also very constructive and extremely insightful / helpful. I'll need some time to think about it, but I'll definitely reply - in length...:) You definitely have made me think, and I'll have to see if I can find another alternative. It's one of the most useful feedbacks I've received, and you definitely know what you're talking about. Analysing is something I really care for, too!
I'll be back with a direct reply to your first comment soon, hopefully tomorrow...
Chitra T
{K:797} 5/4/2006
Hugo, forgot to mention, since I am a newbie, you don't really need to consider my opinions too seriously. I feel weird giving so much critique to you. It is not really a 'critique', I just had fun analysing :-)
Chitra T
{K:797} 5/4/2006
Hugo, First off, let me congratulate you on a very well done, fun and thought provoking series and helping promote a great discussion! I got my first impression before I saw your mapping and I have given my thoughts before I've read any other comments to prevent any biases. 1. First impression: Travel, destination drawing similarities to life/travel on the road to real life. Unknown destinations, long winding roads, steep turns, rough roads etc. 2. Yes the combination definitely fits the theme. 3. Yes, the images do fit in this order. But to me order did not seem overly important in this series , as I see the images more as a sampling than as a storyboard, and you've done a great job of putting several representative elements together to convey your idea. 4. Thematically all the images do fit (including the other 2 combinations you've put together) but some are aesthetically stronger than the others, eg. Although I like the angularity of the 3rd image in the first combination, I find the one with the long curvy road better both aesthetically and a better match in terms of tonality. Aesthetically, I am not very fond of the first image because the blur seems a bit scattered and not focussed and intentional like in the others and also I did not enjoy the sky so much. But thematically it is a very strong fit, since it shows the element of the 'unknown'... of what's ahead. I suppose you feel strongly about it since you've included it in all the combinations (was it for the reason that I mentioned?) I am not sure if you have more to come or the 'two that follow' are the the combinations that you've already put here. If I see a better one for the first spot, I will let you know. The one with the SUV is very important IMO as it combines the two ideas together. I had a hard time picking one element with road sign, since both are strong (very clever of you to include one of those) but the one with 'curve' sign is more subtle IMO. 5. I would title the series 'Travel and destination' or something of that nature. To me the 'wild' part didn't come across that well. In case you do need to convey 'wild' I think it would be better include the sign with 'rough narrow roads' than the 'curve'. 6. You could improve the series by matching the tonalites better in PS since you don't have the option of a reshoot. Tweaking cyan, blue majenta etc. of the one that doesn't match others in your final pick. Whew, Sorry if my response got too long.
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 5/4/2006
Lovely succesion of "flashes" .. would it be flashbacks yes .. or moment of travelling .. nice combination with skies and landscapes .. Peter
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 5/4/2006
Hi Paul, Your remark that the combination of the images is stronger than any one of them separately is probably the best compliment you could give me... To me, that means this effort is successful as a series...:) - Thanks!
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 5/4/2006
I like the series of images.. I think together they are stronger than separate..the cropping is strong and helps draw attention to the various lines (the road etc) in the image... the sign in the last image seems to represent a continuous loop, back to the first image :) great work here
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 5/3/2006
Hi Maxime,
Thanks a lot for your feedback, I really appreciate it! I think you misunderstood the part about an experts' technical-view. I think all views and thoughts are equally important. As I was struggling with this one, I placed it in the help section, especially to hear what others thought of it. And reading your comment, you're the expert!
Excellent comment too, thank you very much!
I agree with you on the focus of the first, it is out of focus. I haven't printed that one yet, and I'm not sure if it's acceptable; I do think it needs to have at least one point in focus. Maybe I'll exchange it with another photo. You're the first to comment on that - Great!
The idea of placing the one with the car last is also a very good suggestion. Think that would work, too.
The large amount of alternatives to create variants is also the thing that makes it difficult, and why I appreciate the feedback.
m ,
{K:15872} 5/3/2006
Hi Hugo! I perceive you prefer above all to pay attention to an experts technical-view. As you know I am just a hobby photograph, so dont expect much than my own sense please! Concerning to your request: 1. Nice creation, but the first picture from the right is out of focus, I thought! It did not take much time to realise I was wrong and I got your point of your focus-attention. 2. Without doubt! Not only because of the perspectives but also there are great harmonies stuck between the colours of the pictures and significance. 3. Indeed they do! But Ive another essence! I should place the picture with the car at the last part I suppose! An endless road to go! I am most crazy for symbolic. 4. Not at all! Youve even possibility to create many variants! 5. No comment! The title is always very individually! 6. You know Hugo, in Art-branches I dont believe of any advice when we are talking about the ideas and sense! The flavours and feeling of people are much different. Of course it is exception when you look at the techniques and qualities of the pictures! (Here I have to show my appreciation again for your last lovely and wisely advice.) Concerning to the qualities of your pictures, I have to admit that they are really outstanding and terrific! My best complement: Maxime
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 5/3/2006
Hi Piero, thanks a lot for your feedback, very intersting to see this series through someone elses eye, and it really helps me impreve this one, Much appreciated!
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 5/3/2006
Hi Marcus, thanks for your feedback, very helpful! I spent some time trying to see what you meant, and I like that suggestion. I definitely get your drift, and will have to see what that rearrangement looks like. The cool (but also difficult) thing is that everybody sees things in a slightly different way, which is very insightful to notice. I think I'll be spending quite some time to see what the various suggestions and views result in before I make the final installment.
Piero Somma
{K:13399} 5/3/2006
nice psycho-test here Hugo! i like n.4 it mean (for me) extreme... the sign invite to leave road and.... n.3 freedom n.2 adventure (for turists) n.1 confortable travel original and intresting studio! congrat. ciao
Pablo Dylan
{K:63918} 5/3/2006
Very nice collage.Marvelous. Pablo
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 5/3/2006
Hi Hermen, once again, thanks for the feedback. As you know, it's impossible to please everyone (nor do I intend to). One thing is for sure, I'll be busy with this one for quite some time...
I'll definitely check out that "Pearblossom Highway"... thanks!
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 5/2/2006
Hi Hugo, My first impression was a long trip, The 3rd shot being the beginning as it is crisp and sharp as we are as we beging a journy, The second in the scene would be the 2nd shot as we seem to be on course and passing a slower car, the 4th shot would be my next choice as the eyes seem to be getting a bit tired and maybe some confusion about the sign and which way to go, And the first shot would be my last as we are losing the light there is a slight blur and its time to find a place to stop for the night... Well probably not what you had in mind, but this is what first came to mine. all excellent shots, and really captivating as you try to put the pieces togeater in your mind...
Hermen Pen
{K:9168} 5/2/2006
Hi Hugo,
The new arrangement looks more balanced to me (in particular, with respect to the amount of blur). And I like the new sign: it is more suggestive, and it it fits better to some of the themes you chose (adventure, extreme).
regards, Hermen
PS one other association that came into my mind when looking at the images was the photocollage "Pearblossom Highway" by David Hockney. Not that it resembles your arrangement, but it has some elements in common: multiple images and desert :) Perhaps you know it - if not, Google for it, maybe you find it inspiring.
Giulio Rotelli
{K:28441} 5/2/2006
great idea & gret work, especially in the panoramic view.. it give to me a strong desire to travel.. I envy this kind of panorama, the feeling of freedom is powerfull.. congrs
Bruce Harper
{K:5305} 5/2/2006
I like the later 3rd image better than the original Hugo, it fits in better without the overall sharpness of the original. I like the original 4th image though, to me it shows a different aspect to travel - getting off the beaten track. Here I think the blur on the road in the foreground gives a strong impression of wanting to get off the road, and the sign shows the way. Excellent concept Hugo, I look forward to the next sets.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 5/1/2006
to you my friend.. have a goodnight roby
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 5/1/2006
Hi Roby, once again thanks for your feedback, Nothing strange about your feelings., on the contrary, I really appreciate them! There are so many options to chose from, that I don't think there "can be only one" solution. I guess all it needs is "a kind of magic"...:)
I'm still so happy with your photos from the concert, everyday a delight and a great memory!
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 5/1/2006
Hi Hermen,
How's this for an alternative? I rather indecisive if it's an improvement.... The attached image also has an alternative third, as suggested by Andre.
Wonder what you think.
Alternative arrangement with another third and FOURTH image |
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 5/1/2006
Hi Robert, thanks for your feedback. Very interesting to hear the third is your favourite. Andre thought it was the odd one out...:) If you scroll down to my reply to him, you'll see an alternative for the third. Wonder what you think about that one as alternative...
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 5/1/2006
Hi Hermen,
Thanks for your feedback, and it's good to hear from you! In response to your initials thoughts, I'd like to think this is more than just an experiment...
Interesting point about the fourth photo; it sure has mor blur, but it's the only one that wasn't shot from a moving car. The three others were, however... Maybe you're right that it stands out in terms of consistency of the series. Have to look what alternatives I can come up with...
Death Valley sure is awesome, and the four days I got to spend there weren't nearly enough to absorb the vastness and beauty of it. Want to go back too.... As you have noticed, there are quite a few DV images amongst my recent uploads.
Thanks, I'll get back to you on the alternative!
Hermen Pen
{K:9168} 5/1/2006
Hi Hugo,
an interesting experiment... Not many thoughts are coming up yet. Maybe I should let it sink into my mind for a while, maybe I should wait for your next posts. But I will not withold you from my first thoughts:
- The rightmost photo looks odd in combination with the other three. The viewpoint is different and it is more blurred. One immediately has the impression that it is shot from a car, contrary to the image next to it, and, to a lesser extend, the leftmost image.
- I want to go back! (I visited Death Valley seven years ago, and it IS a mesmerizing place...)
Mireille Heirendt
{K:7258} 5/1/2006
Hi Hugo, Glad to read that I could help you with my feedback. I associate this place with paradise as the influence of mankind has been reduced to a strict minimum which again reflects the dryness and the inhospitability of the landscape. This is the reason why I also love Namibia and Tanzania so much. Regards, Mireille P.S. Thanks a lot for your compliment!
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 5/1/2006
A very well presented combination of wild, these are so superb mini captures. Very original idea show us your concept and visions. Fantastic work all aspect dear Hugo. The 3rd image is my favourite, great landscape with lovely perspective. Indeed eye catcher work by You! Congratulations for these sharing! Well done!
Have a nice day! Robert
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 5/1/2006
Hi JC, thanks for the descriptive comment. Think you nailed my intentions... Much appreciated.
JC Flowed
{K:1068} 5/1/2006
Ultimate adventure. Safety meets wilderness. The known meets the unknown. Destiny? We'll never know, and some things need to remain a secret.
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 4/30/2006
Hi Hugo, I enjoy this aspect of Usefilm very much. I'm very pleased that I could be of help with a suggestion.... I can sort of see what Roberto has in mind as well. Although I think the vehicle and curve sign as sharp elements really tell enough of the story. Good luck on your submission to the Land Rover competition! That's another good thing about this set of images. I think it fits the demographic of Land Rover owners pretty well. A little exciting and a little wild, without going over the top with craziness. Kind of mature and adventuresome at the same time. I could be wrong, but I think if you attempted to go too "extreme" it might not fit the Land Rover image. Unless it was for one of those open side "Defenders" they had out a few years ago.
Maybe you could submit more than one set of images. But I hope this is one of them. Andre
Rui Palha
{K:13624} 4/30/2006
This is a very creative collage. Good use of the Lensbaby.
Very well titled, too.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/30/2006
Hi Mireille, thanks for your feedback. As I've mentioned more than once, your (and others') thoughts help me a great deal, and provide some very valuable feedback on how to improve.
I really enjoyed learing your explanation on the sequence. Good points. The title might be a bit too "nice" for the theme, but I like the thought. If you ever get the chance to go there, it's definitely worth the trip; one of the most rugged and extreme places on earth. With your style, it'll be a feast to shoot!
I'll keep the "No Rules" thought in mind for the next series, I do like that one!
Thanks again for the feedback!
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/30/2006
Hi Andre,
It's what Usefilm is all about! And it was a very good suggestion. The longer I think about it, the better the new fit with the third images is, thanks a lot! It's exactly why I posted this shot with all those questions.
I've seen those images, sketching a life style, I'm quite pleased you make that comparison, never thought of it in that respect.
I'm considering entering this into a competition, where the "Wild" theme is sponsored by landrover, so that's another reason for chosing the discovery, and not the Ford truck we drove...:)
Mireille Heirendt
{K:7258} 4/30/2006
Hi Hugo, 1. endless peacefulness 2. of course 3. I might have chosen 1/4/2/3 as 1 represents uncertainty to what is behind the gentle gradient, 4 represents danger, 2 speed and finally 3 the goal 4. they all fit perfectly 5. "road to paradise" (in consideration of what I've seen of Death Valley here on UF-I've never been there so far but definitely a place I would like to visit) 6. there is nothing to improve as it's perfect as it is for now; it might be continued, either beginning at the destination or documenting what you lived to see on the way to DV. I associate wild with one rule: no rules! In conclusion, an excellent documentation of your inner self...keep it going, Hugo!!!! Best regards, Mireille P.S. Thanks for all your comments again!
Erik Neldner
{K:10846} 4/30/2006
that's the beauty i suppose. we all bringour own thing(baggage, poin of view, etc.) to the table. cheers brother, erik
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 4/30/2006
magnificent. very creative. outstanding. 7
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 4/30/2006
This is a wonderful job Hugo for the Lensbaby,
All of the best my friend.
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 4/30/2006
Hi Hugo, I am genuinely excited at the difference my suggestion has made to your image!! Maybe it is just because it was my suggestion ;)
I think changing the third image the way you have makes the 4 of them much more homogeneous. Now that they all fit together nicely, I see a beautiful, clear connection between the sharper focused Land Rover and the sharper focused curve sign.
I can't stress how much this works. As I said before, the Lensbaby seems perfect for this kind of thing and now I think you have used it to it's potential.
Some may not agree with me, but, that's the way I see it :)
I have seen this kind of image used in different automobile ads, as a way of promoting a lifestyle. Basically the image is saying "step into our dream" "when you own this car, this is how you will feel" (something like that) Anyway, I think this succeeds in that respect. As a VW owner, I have a glossy magazine sent to me called VW Driver. They quite often have images similar to this one featured. It is not always necessary to show a car to sell a car, when an attractive lifestyle is presented :) Andre
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 4/30/2006
a little softness is for a simple "similar" effect with the other frame.. i see that the clarity of the third is the particular moment that clear detaches from the others. one species of return to the truth, clear.. but is my strange and humble vision..
"One man, one goal One mission One heart, one soul Just one solution One flash of light Yeah one god, one vision
One flash, one bone One true religion One voice, one hope One real decision Wo wo wo wo wo wo Gimme one vision
No wrong, no right I'm gonna tell you there's no black and no white No blood, no stain All we need is one world wide vision
One flash, one bone One true religion One race, one hope One real decision Wo wo wo wo wo Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah..."
ciao cheers
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/30/2006
Thanks Giuliano! I find it very cool to read the different opinions and the reactions the Lensbaby evokes, Much appreciated!
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/30/2006
Thanks Erik, Very interesting to read your idea behind this image, not quite what I had in mind, or set out to achieve, so I might have to put continue building this series. I've put the thought I tried to visualise in the about and explained a bit more in the first comment.... Not quite a family vacation feel.
Don't get me wrong, this is exactly the kind of feedback I was hoping for, as it tells me I didn't succeed to depict the feeling I was aiming for, so very much appreciated!
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/30/2006
Hi Elisa, Thanks for the excellent comment and feedback! Very much appreciated!
As to the question in the about, that was more rethorical; and the series is my (first) answer to that question... Can only appreciate you keep that to yourself..
Thanks for answering those questions, and it's great to learn your views.
As to the reordering, I think that could work well too. I've played with that idea. The reason I ended up with this sequence is that I rather liked the imaginary diagonal created through all four of the images by the placement of the horizon, from lowest in the left to highest on the right. I do see your reasoning, though. in build up of colours and tones, perhaps your suggestion is the way to go.
Again, a great comment, definitely food for thought! Thanks again!
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/30/2006
Hi Roger, thanks for the feedback, and I need to remind myself that the choice for (any) lens is a tool, and not the goal.
I think the lensbaby is appropriate for several reasons. 1. It evokes strong reactions, which is part of the theme - Wild - travel - emotions - (human) life and thoughts 2. Death Valley inspired me in more than one ways, as it's such an extreme (wild) place, which brings up (at least to me) a very strong comparison with the film "fear and loathing Las Vegas" A bit far fetched maybe, but the tottally lack of selfrespect, decadence and utterly revolting feeling I get when watching that movie is something for which the lensbaby is the ultimate tool. It creates a feeling of removal with reality, not including the viewer. 3. This serie (or these series) is not about or intended to achieve a technical / photographic excellence,, but to depict a theme, and to visualise the thought behind it.
Don't be sorry, I know it's hard to please everyone, and that's not my intention either. Some love it, other hate it. Both opinions are naturally valid, and the fact that it evokes such strong reactions is exactly what I try to achieve.
I shot all images from a moving car, through the window, and next to the lensbaby blur, there's a motion blur as well. The lensbaby is such a simple device, it allows you to shoot with very fast shutters. Besides, the blur of the lens obscures the dirt on the window nicely.
I agree with you on the less natural element of the blur, but I also see a use for that in these series, as to me, it emphasises my personal interpretation of the idea behind this series. The mind works in mysterious ways, and mine gets clouded by peripheral thoughts, and starts racing when I'm trying to combine reason with feelings and atmosphere. The lensbaby effect, to me, visualises that process very well. Hope you see what I mean, and I'm positive, that the the lensbaby in this case is is used as tool, not as goal.
Hope this all makes sense. I know you're a profound lensbaby hater, and I wouldn't dream of trying to change your opinion - it's all way too subjective for that. On the contrary, I appreciate your honesty.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/30/2006
Hi Lisa, thanks for the feedback.
I like the idea of showing more of the side of the road, and I'll need to think about that for a while. The road being the shared theme in all four of these photos, as well as the presentation of travels make me a bit hesitant about changing those to something where the roadside wildlife is the predominant element, if you see what I mean. But yes, you do have a point. If I come up with an alternative, I'll come back to you...:)
I like your suggestion for the title, good call! Thanks!
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/30/2006
Hi Efisio, the second and third will be quite different... I'll explain my thoughts later on, I'm curious what you'll think...:)
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/30/2006
Hi Roby,
Thanks for your comment, my friend! It's great to read the different opinions, Andre thought the third image was the odd one out, and I have composed an alternative series, see attached image. Wonder what you think!
Alternative... |
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/30/2006
Hi Gustavo, thanks for your support, much appreciated.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/30/2006
Hi Andre, thanks for your feedback. It does make sense, and I see what you mean. I had my doubts about the third one too. How's this for an alternative? (See attached image)
Alternative arrangement with another third image |
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/30/2006
Hi Joao, Thank you very much for your continuous support, very much appreciated!
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/30/2006
Hi Shane,
Thanks a lot for your elaborate feedback! Excellent critique (and marked as such)
I definitely put a lot of thought into this. I shot these with a pre-fixed idea in my mind last February, and deliberately didn't look at them untill recently to create a few installments. Then, it also took me a considerable time selecting the images and combining them.
Interesting thought: "Does this mean that you produce better images when you are not in your comfort zone?". Never thought about that, but I think there's a truth in there; When I shoot a theme I feel more comfortable about, I think there's also a degree iof repetition and standardisation in approach involved. That makes the images much less sparkling and fresh in approach, IMO. The less conventional shots I think do have a stronger tendency towards being open minded, and they definitely take a lot more time and effort in the whole process. I most certainly do venture out towars more unknown areas and more extreme photos (to me at least) to assist me in thinking out of the box, if you know what I mean.
There's of course a large degree of personal interpretation involved. And looking at this series a few days after constructing them, I would've followed a different approach. nothing new here, and there are two more to come...
Great to read about the air of optimism in them, although I consider that subsidiary element, it is one of the themes I jotted down in the larger mindmap.
As to the lensbaby, I definitely like that lens, and I bought it specifically for these images and this idea. But I need to remind myself that the choice of lens is a tool, and doesn't become the goal.
Really appreciated and enjoyed reading your thoughts, very insightful and very helpful! Thanks again!
{K:26787} 4/30/2006
Hi Hugo!
Here my answers to your questions :) 1. Endless roads and wastelands. 2. It certainly does. 3. Yes. Another possibility is 1,2,4,3. 4. No. 5. On the road. 6. Go to 3. Have you thought about other ways of travelling?
(The answer to your question in the about [what“s wild to me] I keep as a secret ;-))
To me the first image represents sky and freedom, the second speed, the third goals and the fourth uncertainties; all more or less present when travelling.
A very creative series, and I enjoyed the trip with you :) Well done!
Giuliano Guarnieri
{K:36622} 4/30/2006
I like this lensbaby! It opens an extra door on creativity ... with few gramms of lens (and your usual camera). Very nice the combination of shots, different colors with the same subject. very nice Bye
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 4/30/2006
I wonder why you think the lensbaby is appropriate? I really cannot react posivitely to partially blurred images. Sorry. I don't see they contribute anything to the series, quite the reverse. My mental reaction when I noticed the blurring after an initially positive impression of the series was "ouch!" I can imagine a series in which the road is seen as straight, as undulating, as bearing to the left (and/or right), as the closup verge, etc., but the only blur that would seem appropriate to me would be motion blur, perhaps, on the shots of the verge, where it might be natural.
So Cal Photograhper
{K:18529} 4/30/2006
I like the second photo from the left as it shows that basically two lanes of highway can take you anywhere you want to go as long as you have the will to travel. The 3rd photo from the left is great as it shows the long road ahead. As far as the theme of "Wild vs Life", I think it would be great to show maybe some sort of life at the side of the road (perhaps a cactus) with the long road ahead. I feel, in my opinion, the first image on the left really doesn't belong. The image on the far right looks great. It kind of tames the wild side by showing that there are still rules to obey with the street sign. I'm interted to wait and see what other post you will have in this series of images. The images 2,3, and 4 seem to fit well. As far as a title my only thought would be "The Road Less Traveled", which we all know gets a lot of mileage going across it.
Erik Neldner
{K:10846} 4/29/2006
hugo, well done mate! the lensbaby really works well in these wide open spaces and the overall combination offers the viewer to ride along on your otherwise private family vacation. nice work! erik
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 4/29/2006
ohh.. absolutely stunning my friend.. the third frame is my dreams..i have seeen many time this place, the red rock, teh sunset.. and the infinity road.. bravo! another very nice composition.. have all the best roby 7
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 4/29/2006
Hi Hugo, A couple of thoughts anyway... First I think your choice of using the Lensbaby for this kind of series is a good choice. Most of the images I've seen from these lenses produces an almost creamy, dreamy sort of effect that suits the mood of wonder perfectly for people on a long distance trip. As far as which might not belong in this set... I would say the one that is third from the left is the most not like the other three. It stands out as somehow a little too polished when compared to the other three. So, it might be disrupting the flow a little. You could try replacing that single image with another that shows off the quirkiness of the Lensbaby more effectively. I hope this makes sense. Andre
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 4/29/2006
wow i'm travelling trought your composition..good choice and compositon! PAolo
Salvatore Rossignolo
{K:13559} 4/29/2006
Leave it to you Hugo to find a creative way to use your "car shots". Nice set and assemblage. Sal
Efisio Mureddu
{K:13104} 4/29/2006
I'll stay tuned... at. I'll comment at the end of the series... really courious about the path u used to build this series. E.
Joćo F * Photography
{K:41945} 4/29/2006
Great combo composition dear Hugo well done my friend !! Cheers joćo
Shane O'Neill
{K:3054} 4/29/2006
Hi Hugo,
First of all - 10 out of 10 for thought process/approach. You really put a lot into this and it inflates the first impression of the image dramatically. So my first impression, well, I think these are an excellent series of images, presently very neatly. Then I took a look at your mind map and I see what you are trying to achive (eventually i figured it out!) To me this is a form of art. You have exceptional photographic skills and now you are trying to push the boundries out further, this is "next level" material. I must say that I thought that my 2 favoutite images in the series are the 2 to the right of the frame and yet these, in your mind, are meant to highlight what I percieve to be uncertanties with you. Does this mean that you produce better images when you are not in your comfort zone? Looking again in closer detail, I personally would not have been able to establish what you were setting out to interpret via these shots without the insight but it doesnt take anything away from my initial thoughts. In fact the very first thing that popped into my head when I saw these was the opening sequence to the 80's tv show: Dallas! ... images of a relatively barron and desolate landscape yet there is a definate air of optimism about them.
With regard to your questions, I like the combination, but purely from an asthetic point of view, this also applies to the order; which I also think you got "correct". I like the use of differing colour temperatures and lensbabie which you are clearly a massive fan of.
As you say yourself, its about imagery and the mood you tried to create - the imagery is great and the mood is up-beat. This is what I see.
Rgds, Shane
p.s. think I'll give you a 7!
Chelsea Burke
{K:5750} 4/29/2006
Nice. Makes me want to hop in the truck and take a drive out there.
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 4/29/2006
Muy buena serie. Felicitaciones.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/29/2006
With the attached image, I've described what I wanted to depict with this series. You'll find the basic idea in the about, and tried to depict this in an somewhat uncontroversial way. The scope and feel of the lensbaby is not everybody's taste, but I think it's appropriate here. I'm also looking for some technical (postprocessing) feedback, as this is still work in progress, but a reshoot is not one of my options, unfortunately. In the mindmap attached to this comment, there's a more elaborate description of what I intended to create. The presentation itself is not an issue. It's about the imagery and the mood I tried to create...
I would appreciate your feedback on the following: 1. What's your first impression? 2. Does the combination of images fit the theme? 3. Do the images fit together in this order? 4. Are there any images that do not fit in your opinion? 5. How would you title this series?
And, most helpful,
6. How can i improve this series?
I realise I ask a lot, but any help is greatly appreciated!
Mapping my mind, explaining my thoughts |