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Image Title:  Lonely
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 By: Ash   
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer  Ash   {Karma:9427}
Project #38 Photo Help Camera Model Canon Digital Rebel
Categories Seascapes
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Canon  18-55mm EFS f/3.5-5.6
Uploaded 4/25/2006 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 835 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 12 Rating
/ 1 Ratings
Location City -  Kingston
State -  ONTARIO
Country - Canada   Canada
About This photograph did not turn out the way that I had envisioned. So now I turn it over to UF for sugestions. Please critique away and let me know what you think. I was thinking of some flash, and going back on a night with a nice red sunset. Let me know...
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There are 12 Comments in 1 Pages
Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 7/26/2006
Ashley, I find this photo great, exactly because there is so much darkness in it, which at the end enhances the solitude. The foreground is very clear and sharp, and the slow transition to softer focus to the background adds very very much to the picture, since it transmits the feeling of limited view, of the coming night, of the inability to see further than a few meters away. The water seems refreshing as one goes mentaly in slow steps along the shore - kind of comforting for some not very pleasant thoughts?

And no, don't use a flashlight! It makes more light available but it destroys the atmosphere.

A very very nice one, I wouldn't change a thing!



Garold Jennings Garold Jennings   {K:2513} 7/22/2006
Ashley I like silhouette photos and I think this one could be very interesting if the overall photograph could have been sharper. Maybe a tripod and use of bracketing for post work in PS. Also to find photographs I like sometimes I use the tripod and try different things. I'm afraid I am not as technical with my photography as I need to be so I try a few different perspectives and lighting sources when taking evening or night landscape shots. I like the photo but would like to see a little more sharpness. Good luck to you.


Avi  Avi     {K:70138} 5/29/2006
I dunno abt what you had intended in the first place, but this one here is a ripper of a photo, mate !!..

way to go...


Megan Irwin Megan Irwin   {K:1666} 5/18/2006
First of, i like this image alot. it is very beautiful. You could have made it better by having the light behind you rather than in front. The light is making everything in its path black. It would have looked nicer if you could see the rock more, rather than being a black blob. I dont think that flash would have improved it. Flash would make it look fake. I think that natural light is better.

The photograph is a tad blurry so making it sharper would also improve it.

Good luck with future photo taking...



Quix Photography Quix Photography   {K:20204} 4/27/2006
I don't think this photo is as sharp as it could be... though in that I think it suits the title very well.. loneliness I guess is a bit blurred around the edges & dark.

This is a beautiful & romantic scene.. the sky so moody & compliments the darkness below.

I think Hugo says it all...

Sometimes, though simply using the auto level/ auto colours tool in Photo Shop can help lighten up a dark photo... there is also a curve tool that is fun to play with. I guess in the end it all depends on the photo. Best way to find what works best is by playing around with the program.

Thank you for your comment on my 'Under the Arches' photo & Prose. Greatly appreciated x


Ash     {K:9427} 4/27/2006

Thanks for your detailed comment. I will return and try some of your sugestions. I am afraid that I am not very well versed in photoshop, so combining elements from different photographs is over my head at the present time. One day I will give it try.


Paulo Vinícius   {K:2657} 4/26/2006
Good tones and well done composition


Iman M. Nezami Iman M. Nezami   {K:3276} 4/25/2006
your subject is a great one's. and lighting is not bad. you may have a better DOF . sharpness is not good.nice back ground and reflections on the captured a nice shot.


Mary Slade   {K:40338} 4/25/2006
Brilliant image and title Ashley. The angle and perspective is very effective. I like the colours and light. Be lovely to see red sunset as well- but not instead!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/25/2006
great silhouette and amazing title!
well done Ashley!


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 4/25/2006
Hi Ashley,

First of all, a beautiful scene, that's for sure. Yet I agree with you, there's more potential in this compsoition and shot than this image shows.

I primarily find the shadowy parts a bit dark, obscuring the textures and contrasts, rendering (specifically the treeline and the boulder) a bit flat.

I think overexposing by about 2/3 to 1 stops would already be a start, but as the differences in brightness in this scene are quite heavy, that might also result in blowing out more of the sky.

I don't think a flash would achieve the desired result; even if it was powerful enough to reach the rock, it would still leave you with a rather flat treeline.

I think this image calls for a more serious approach, equalling the brightness in post-processing. With a tripod, I think I would've taken at least two (identical) shots, one composed for the foreground (a slower shutter) and one for the sky (obviously, a faster shutter), combining the two in PS.

There are more ways to correct the exposure, though. Did you shoot this as a RAW file? That way, you can correct the exposure for both parts using a single shot, creating two versions.

A pity you didn't post the camera settings, it would make things a bit easier to assess to see what whent "wrong". The DOF also looks a bit shallow...

I think a red sunset would definitely be nice, but another option to capture this scene in a single shot would IMO be to wait a bit until the light levels out a bit, allowing the sun to set behind the trees. It would make it much easier to properly expose this photo; preferably with with a very small aperture and a slow shutter, softening up the water, creating that velvetty look could be really nice here, too...

Plenty of options, and definitely a scene to return to...




Alicia Popp   {K:87532} 4/25/2006
Genial contraluz... bellísimas texturas... Felicitaciones!




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